[Pacemaker] configuration of stonith

Dvorak Andreas Andreas.Dvorak at baaderbank.de
Mon Dec 9 03:54:38 EST 2013

Dear all,

thank you for the answers.

Now I created to stonith resources 
pcs stonith create ipmi-fencing-sv2837 fence_ipmilan pcmk_host_list="sv2837" ipaddr= action="reboot" login=abc passwd=abc123 delay=15 op monitor interval=60s
pcs stonith create ipmi-fencing-sv2836 fence_ipmilan pcmk_host_list="sv2836" ipaddr= action="reboot" login=abc passwd=abc123 delay=15 op monitor interval=60s

the current status is:
pcs status
Cluster name: fix-prod
Last updated: Mon Dec  9 09:41:48 2013
Last change: Mon Dec  9 09:40:03 2013 via cibadmin on sv2836
Stack: cman
Current DC: sv2837 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.10-1.el6_4.4-368c726
2 Nodes configured
4 Resources configured

Online: [ sv2836 sv2837 ]

Full list of resources:

 ClusterIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started sv2836 
 FIXRoute	(ocf::baader:FIXRoute):	Started sv2836 
 ipmi-fencing-sv2837	(stonith:fence_ipmilan):	Stopped 
 ipmi-fencing-sv2836	(stonith:fence_ipmilan):	Stopped 

Failed actions:
    ipmi-fencing-sv2837_start_0 on sv2837 'unknown error' (1): call=276, status=Error, last-rc-change='Mon Dec  9 09:39:55 2013', queued=17090ms, exec=0ms
    ipmi-fencing-sv2836_start_0 on sv2837 'unknown error' (1): call=286, status=Error, last-rc-change='Mon Dec  9 09:40:13 2013', queued=17085ms, exec=0ms
    ipmi-fencing-sv2837_start_0 on sv2836 'unknown error' (1): call=369, status=Error, last-rc-change='Mon Dec  9 09:40:13 2013', queued=17085ms, exec=0ms
    ipmi-fencing-sv2836_start_0 on sv2836 'unknown error' (1): call=375, status=Error, last-rc-change='Mon Dec  9 09:40:31 2013', queued=17090ms, exec=0ms

Do I need to tell the stonith resource where to run and how can I do that?
In the parameter pcmk_host_list I have the hostname of the other node.

Best regards,

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