[Pacemaker] Syntax highlighting in vim for crm configure edit

Trevor Hemsley themsley at voiceflex.com
Thu Aug 18 14:39:38 UTC 2011

Hi all

I have attached a first stab at a vim syntax highlighting file for 'crm 
configure edit'

To activate this, I have added 'filetype plugin on' to my /root/.vimrc 
then created /root/.vim/{ftdetect,ftplugin}/pcmk.vim

In /root/.vim/ftdetect/pcmk.vim I have the following content

au BufNewFile,BufRead /tmp/tmp* set filetype=pcmk

but there may be a better way to make this happen. /root/.vim/pcmk.vim 
is the attached file.

Comments (not too nasty please!) welcome.

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