[Pacemaker] Can I edit apache configuration file using pacemaker?

gilberto migliavacca gbmiglia at yahoo.it
Thu Oct 22 13:25:27 EDT 2009


I have this problem and I'd like to know if I can solve
it using pacemaker

I have 2 nodes with apache + modjk  + tomcat on both nodes,
moreover the modjk components point to the tomcat on both nodes
in this way the configuration (worker.properties) file of the modjk
keeps the information about the tomcat on the 2 nodes.

something like:

apache                   apache
modjk----       ----  modjk
               \     /
                 \ /
tomcat<-- / \--> tomcat
I'd like to understand if I can modify the modjk configuration
file (worker.properties) using some pacemaker commands

in this way I can
- deactivate a node (modifying the modjk and launching a graceful 
command to apache
- wait until the node finishes up all the active session
- apply a patch on the node
- restart the node
all the steps about start/stop I understood I can do it with
pacemaker, my problem is about the file modification.

Can I edit the modjk configuration  file (worker.properties)
using some pacemaker commands?

thanks in advance ... sorry for this complicated question



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