[Pacemaker] Pacemaker on OpenAIS, RRP, and link failure

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Mon May 25 13:56:52 EDT 2009

Steven Dake writes:

 > Self-healing is not as obvious or easy as it sounds.  Totem (the
 > protocol) has no way to determine when the admin has replaced the faulty
 > switch in the network.

why can't it keep on pinging the interface/ip address even if there is
no response?

how is it with pingd, does pinging stop if there is no response and does
the node remain dead forever after ping failure until someone manually
does something?  i don't see any difference here regarding heartbeat/openais
level pinging. 

 > The only options I see is to periodically try the failed ring for
 > liveness.  The problem with this approach is it is hard to implement.

try all the time also after failure like was done before failure.

 > I think the first option is the best, but atm there isn't anyone that
 > has written patches and most people are focused on the 1.0 release...

1.0 release that people cannot migrate from current heartbeat/pacemaker
setup without loosing self healing capability makes little sense.

-- juha

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