[Pacemaker] STONITH

Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] r.bhatia at ipax.at
Tue Feb 3 03:15:37 EST 2009

On 02.02.2009 18:54, Priyanka Ranjan wrote:
> can we monitor STONITH resource.

to my knowledge: yes. my stonith configuration looks like:
>        <clone id="DoFencing">
>          <meta_attributes id="doFancing_m">
>              <nvpair id="doFencing_ma_globally-unique" name="globally-unique" value="true"/>
>              <nvpair id="doFencing_ma_clone-max"       name="clone-max" value="2"/>
>              <nvpair id="doFencing_ma_clone-node-max"  name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
>          </meta_attributes>
>          <primitive id="stonith_rackpdu" class="stonith" type="external/rackpdu">
>            <operations>
>              <op id="stonith_rackpdu_monitor" name="monitor" interval="5s" timeout="20s" requires="nothing"/>
>            </operations>
>            <instance_attributes id="stonith_rackpdu_ia">
>                <nvpair id="stonith_rackpdu_ia_hostlist"  name="hostlist" value="wc01 wc02"/>
>                <nvpair id="stonith_rackpdu_ia_pduip"     name="pduip" value="pdu02.r02.ipax.at"/>
>                <nvpair id="stonith_rackpdu_ia_community" name="community" value="wc"/>
>            </instance_attributes>
>          </primitive>
>        </clone>

so i have a 5s monitoring operation for my stonith resource.

>> what about connecting this to a pingd resource?
> could you please explain more how to connect it to pingd resource.

i started to play around with pingd in the last few days only. it was
just a *wild* guess - e.g. disable the suicide stonith resource if
you find that you are connected to e.g. your default gateway.

any thoughts?

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia at ipax.at
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