[ClusterLabs] some resources move after recovery

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Wed Sep 20 16:35:31 CEST 2017

On Wed, 2017-09-20 at 10:08 +0000, Roberto Muñoz Gomez wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know why if one of the two nodes is rebooted, when the node
> is back, some of the resources move to it despite default-resource-
> stickiness=100 and the resources have failcount=0 and there is no
> constraint influencing that change.
> By some I mean sometimes 1, other 90, other 103...in a 900+ resource
> cluster.
> The only clue I have is this line in the log:
> pengine:     info: native_color:    Resource o464rt cannot run
> anywhere
> Is there any way I can "debug" this behaviour?

It's not very user-friendly, but you can get the most information from
the crm_simulate tool. Shortly past the above line in the log, there
will be a line like "Calculated transition ..., saving inputs in ..."
with a file path.

Grab that file, which has the entire state of the cluster at that point
in time. Run "crm_simulate -Ssx <filename>". It will tell you what it
thinks the state of the nodes and resources were at that time, all the
scores that go into resource placement, and then the actions it thinks
need to be taken ("Transition Summary"). It will then simulate taking
those actions and show what the resulting new status would be.

It's not always obvious where the scores come from, but it does give
more information.

> Best Regards.
> ·····················································
> Roberto Muñoz
> BME - Sistemas UNIX
> C/ Tramontana, 2 Bis. Edificio 2 - 1ª Planta
> 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid - España
> Tlfn: +34-917095778
> P Antes de imprimir, piensa en el MEDIO AMBIENTE
Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com>

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