[ClusterLabs] crmsh configure delete for constraints

Vladislav Bogdanov bubble at hoster-ok.com
Tue Feb 9 15:15:15 CET 2016

09.02.2016 16:31, Kristoffer Grönlund wrote:
> Vladislav Bogdanov <bubble at hoster-ok.com> writes:
>> Hi,
>> when performing a delete operation, crmsh (2.2.0) having -F tries
>> to stop passed op arguments and then waits for DC to become idle.
> Hi again,
> I have pushed a fix that only waits for DC if any resources were
> actually stopped: https://github.com/ClusterLabs/crmsh/commit/164aa48


>> More, it may be worth checking stop-orphan-resources property and pass stop
>> work to pacemaker if it is set to true.
> I am a bit concerned that this might not be 100% reliable. I found an
> older discussion regarding this and the recommendation from David Vossel
> then was to always make sure resources were stopped before removing
> them, and not relying on stop-orphan-resources to clean things up
> correctly. His example of when this might not work well is when removing
> a group, as the group members might get stopped out-of-order.

OK, I agree. That was just an idea.

> At the same time, I have thought before that the current functionality
> is not great. Having to stop resources before removing them is if
> nothing else annoying! I have a tentative change proposal to this where
> crmsh would stop the resources even if --force is not set, and there
> would be a flag to pass to stop to get it to ignore whether resources
> are running, since that may be useful if the resource is misconfigured
> and the stop action doesn't work.

That should result in fencing, no? I think that is RA issue if that 
happens. Particularly, imho RAs should not run validate_all on stop action.


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