[ClusterLabs] HA configuration

Rishin Gangadharan RG00423341 at TechMahindra.com
Thu Feb 4 11:14:11 CET 2016

Hi All,
 Could you please help me for  the corosync/pacemaker configuration with crmsh.

My requirments
  I have three resources

1.       VIP

2.       Kamailio

3.       Redis DB

I want to configure HA for kamailo with VIP and Redis Master/Slave mode.i have configured VIP and kamailio and its working fine, ie when kamailio process fails VIP will switch to another machine and start kamailio.

When kamailio fails first I want to move VIP then Redis and redis must switch to Master and Active node should be slave

Ie  Node 1 : Active  (Running Resourcses VIP,Redis:Master ,Kamailio)

     Node 2 : Passive ( Redis as slave)

My aim is  when Kamailio or any resource in Node1 fails it should be like this

    Node 2 : Active  (Running Resourcses VIP,Redis:Master ,Kamailio)

     Node 1 : Passive ( Redis as slave)
Crm configure edit

node PCSCF
node PCSCF18
primitive VIP IPaddr2 \
        params ip= nic=eth0 \
        op monitor interval=2s \
        meta is-managed=true target-role=Started
primitive kamailio ocf:kamailio:kamailio_ra \
        op start interval=5s \
        op monitor interval=2s \
        meta migration-threshold=1 failure-timeout=5s
primitive redis ocf:kamailio:redis \
        meta target-role=Master is-managed=true \
        op monitor interval=1s role=Master timeout=5s on-fail=restart \
        op monitor interval=1s role=Slave timeout=5s on-fail=restart
ms redis_clone redis \
        meta notify=true is-managed=true ordered=false interleave=false globally-unique=false target-role=Stopped migration-threshold=1
colocation resource_location inf: kamailio VIP
colocation resource_location1 inf: redis_clone:Master kamailio
order resource_starting_order inf: VIP kamailio
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        dc-version=1.1.11-97629de \
        cluster-infrastructure="classic openais (with plugin)" \
        expected-quorum-votes=3 \
        stonith-enabled=false \
        no-quorum-policy=ignore \
property redis_replication: \

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