[ClusterLabs] Resources not always stopped when quorum lost

Matt Rideout mrideout at windserve.com
Thu May 28 18:22:35 UTC 2015

It turns out that if I wait, the node that has resources already started 
when a quorum is lost does stop its resources after 15 minutes. I 
repeated the test, and saw the same 15-minute delay.

cluster-recheck-interval is set to 15 minutes by default, so I dropped 
it to 1 minute with:

pcs property set cluster-recheck-interval="60"

This successfully reduced the delay to 1 minute.

Is it normal for Pacemaker to wait for cluster-recheck-interval before 
shutting down resources that were already running at the time quorum was 



On 5/28/15 11:39 AM, Matt Rideout wrote:
> I'm attempting to upgrade a two node cluster with no quorum 
> requirement to a three node cluster with a two member quorum 
> requirement. Each node is running CentOS 7, Pacemaker 1.1.12-22 and 
> Crosync 2.3.4-4.
> If a node that's running resources loses quorum, then I want it to 
> stop all of its resources.  The goal was partially accomplished by 
> setting the following in corosync.conf:
> quorum {
>   provider: corosync_votequorum
>   two_node: 1
> }
> ...and updating Pacemaker's configuration with:
> pcs property set no-quorum-policy=stop
> With the above configuration, Two failure scenarios work as I would 
> expect:
> 1. If I power up a single node, it sees that there is no quorum, and 
> refuses to start any resources until it sees a second node come up.
> 2. If there are two nodes running, and I power down a node that's 
> running resources, the other node sees that it lost quorum, and 
> refuses to start any resources.
> However, a third failure scenario does not work as I would expect:
> 3. If there are two nodes running, and I power down a node that's not 
> running resources, the node that is running resources notes in its log 
> that it lost quorum, but does not actually shutdown any of its running 
> services.
> Any ideas on what the problem may be would be greatly appreciated. It 
> in case it helps, I included the output of "pcs status", "pcs config 
> show", the contents of "corosync.conf", and the pacemaker and corosync 
> logs from the period during which resources were not stopped.
> *"pcs status" shows the resources still running after quorum is lost:*
> Cluster name:
> Last updated: Thu May 28 10:27:47 2015
> Last change: Thu May 28 10:03:05 2015
> Stack: corosync
> Current DC: node1 (1) - partition WITHOUT quorum
> Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
> 3 Nodes configured
> 12 Resources configured
> Node node3 (3): OFFLINE (standby)
> Online: [ node1 ]
> OFFLINE: [ node2 ]
> Full list of resources:
>  Resource Group: primary
>      virtual_ip_primary    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started node1
>      GreenArrowFS    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started node1
>      GreenArrow    (ocf::drh:greenarrow):    Started node1
>      virtual_ip_1    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started node1
>      virtual_ip_2    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started node1
>  Resource Group: secondary
>      virtual_ip_secondary    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Stopped
>      GreenArrow-Secondary    (ocf::drh:greenarrow-secondary): Stopped
>  Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]
>      Started: [ node1 ]
>      Stopped: [ node2 node3 ]
>  Master/Slave Set: GreenArrowDataClone [GreenArrowData]
>      Masters: [ node1 ]
>      Stopped: [ node2 node3 ]
> PCSD Status:
>   node1: Online
>   node2: Offline
>   node3: Offline
> Daemon Status:
>   corosync: active/enabled
>   pacemaker: active/enabled
>   pcsd: active/enabled
> *"pcs config show"**shows that the "no-quorum-policy: stop" setting is 
> in place:*
> Cluster Name:
> Corosync Nodes:
>  node1 node2 node3
> Pacemaker Nodes:
>  node1 node2 node3
> Resources:
>  Group: primary
>   Resource: virtual_ip_primary (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
>    Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=32
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s 
> (virtual_ip_primary-start-timeout-20s)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=20s 
> (virtual_ip_primary-stop-timeout-20s)
>                monitor interval=30s 
> (virtual_ip_primary-monitor-interval-30s)
>   Resource: GreenArrowFS (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
>    Attributes: device=/dev/drbd1 directory=/media/drbd1 fstype=xfs 
> options=noatime,discard
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 
> (GreenArrowFS-start-timeout-60)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=60 (GreenArrowFS-stop-timeout-60)
>                monitor interval=20 timeout=40 
> (GreenArrowFS-monitor-interval-20)
>   Resource: GreenArrow (class=ocf provider=drh type=greenarrow)
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=30 (GreenArrow-start-timeout-30)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=240 (GreenArrow-stop-timeout-240)
>                monitor interval=10 timeout=20 
> (GreenArrow-monitor-interval-10)
>   Resource: virtual_ip_1 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
>    Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=32
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s 
> (virtual_ip_1-start-timeout-20s)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=20s 
> (virtual_ip_1-stop-timeout-20s)
>                monitor interval=30s (virtual_ip_1-monitor-interval-30s)
>   Resource: virtual_ip_2 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
>    Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=32
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s 
> (virtual_ip_2-start-timeout-20s)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=20s 
> (virtual_ip_2-stop-timeout-20s)
>                monitor interval=30s (virtual_ip_2-monitor-interval-30s)
>  Group: secondary
>   Resource: virtual_ip_secondary (class=ocf provider=heartbeat 
> type=IPaddr2)
>    Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=32
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s 
> (virtual_ip_secondary-start-timeout-20s)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=20s 
> (virtual_ip_secondary-stop-timeout-20s)
>                monitor interval=30s 
> (virtual_ip_secondary-monitor-interval-30s)
>   Resource: GreenArrow-Secondary (class=ocf provider=drh 
> type=greenarrow-secondary)
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=30 
> (GreenArrow-Secondary-start-timeout-30)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=240 
> (GreenArrow-Secondary-stop-timeout-240)
>                monitor interval=10 timeout=20 
> (GreenArrow-Secondary-monitor-interval-10)
>  Clone: ping-clone
>   Resource: ping (class=ocf provider=pacemaker type=ping)
>    Attributes: dampen=30s multiplier=1000 host_list=
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (ping-start-timeout-60)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=20 (ping-stop-timeout-20)
>                monitor interval=10 timeout=60 (ping-monitor-interval-10)
>  Master: GreenArrowDataClone
>   Meta Attrs: master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 
> clone-node-max=1 notify=true
>   Resource: GreenArrowData (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd)
>    Attributes: drbd_resource=r0
>    Operations: start interval=0s timeout=240 
> (GreenArrowData-start-timeout-240)
>                promote interval=0s timeout=90 
> (GreenArrowData-promote-timeout-90)
>                demote interval=0s timeout=90 
> (GreenArrowData-demote-timeout-90)
>                stop interval=0s timeout=100 
> (GreenArrowData-stop-timeout-100)
>                monitor interval=60s (GreenArrowData-monitor-interval-60s)
> Stonith Devices:
> Fencing Levels:
> Location Constraints:
>   Resource: primary
>     Enabled on: node1 (score:INFINITY) 
> (id:location-primary-node1-INFINITY)
>     Constraint: location-primary
>       Rule: score=-INFINITY boolean-op=or (id:location-primary-rule)
>         Expression: pingd lt 1  (id:location-primary-rule-expr)
>         Expression: not_defined pingd (id:location-primary-rule-expr-1)
> Ordering Constraints:
>   promote GreenArrowDataClone then start GreenArrowFS (kind:Mandatory) 
> (id:order-GreenArrowDataClone-GreenArrowFS-mandatory)
>   stop GreenArrowFS then demote GreenArrowDataClone (kind:Mandatory) 
> (id:order-GreenArrowFS-GreenArrowDataClone-mandatory)
> Colocation Constraints:
>   GreenArrowFS with GreenArrowDataClone (score:INFINITY) 
> (with-rsc-role:Master) 
> (id:colocation-GreenArrowFS-GreenArrowDataClone-INFINITY)
>   virtual_ip_secondary with GreenArrowDataClone (score:INFINITY) 
> (with-rsc-role:Slave) 
> (id:colocation-virtual_ip_secondary-GreenArrowDataClone-INFINITY)
>   virtual_ip_primary with GreenArrowDataClone (score:INFINITY) 
> (with-rsc-role:Master) 
> (id:colocation-virtual_ip_primary-GreenArrowDataClone-INFINITY)
> Cluster Properties:
>  cluster-infrastructure: corosync
>  cluster-name: cluster_greenarrow
>  dc-version: 1.1.12-a14efad
>  have-watchdog: false
>  no-quorum-policy: stop
>  stonith-enabled: false
> Node Attributes:
>  node3: standby=on
> *Here's what was logged*:
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 pengine[1296]: notice: stage6: Scheduling Node 
> node3 for shutdown
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 pengine[1296]: notice: process_pe_message: 
> Calculated Transition 7: /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-992.bz2
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 crmd[1297]: notice: run_graph: Transition 7 
> (Complete=1, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, 
> Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-992.bz2): Complete
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 crmd[1297]: notice: do_state_transition: State 
> transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE [ input=I_TE_SUCCESS 
> cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=notify_crmd ]
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 crmd[1297]: notice: peer_update_callback: 
> do_shutdown of node3 (op 64) is complete
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 attrd[1295]: notice: crm_update_peer_state: 
> attrd_peer_change_cb: Node node3[3] - state is now lost (was member)
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 attrd[1295]: notice: attrd_peer_remove: Removing 
> all node3 attributes for attrd_peer_change_cb
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 attrd[1295]: notice: attrd_peer_change_cb: Lost 
> attribute writer node3
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 corosync[1040]: [TOTEM ] Membership left list 
> contains incorrect address. This is sign of misconfiguration between 
> nodes!
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 corosync[1040]: [TOTEM ] A new membership 
> ( was formed. Members left: 3
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 corosync[1040]: [QUORUM] This node is within the 
> non-primary component and will NOT provide any services.
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 corosync[1040]: [QUORUM] Members[1]: 1
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 corosync[1040]: [MAIN  ] Completed service 
> synchronization, ready to provide service.
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 crmd[1297]: notice: pcmk_quorum_notification: 
> Membership 25740: quorum lost (1)
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 crmd[1297]: notice: crm_update_peer_state: 
> pcmk_quorum_notification: Node node3[3] - state is now lost (was member)
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 crmd[1297]: notice: peer_update_callback: 
> do_shutdown of node3 (op 64) is complete
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 pacemakerd[1254]: notice: 
> pcmk_quorum_notification: Membership 25740: quorum lost (1)
> May 28 10:19:51 node1 pacemakerd[1254]: notice: crm_update_peer_state: 
> pcmk_quorum_notification: Node node3[3] - state is now lost (was member)
> May 28 10:19:52 node1 corosync[1040]: [TOTEM ] Automatically recovered 
> ring 1
> *H**ere's corosync.conf:*
> totem {
>   version: 2
>   secauth: off
>   cluster_name: cluster_greenarrow
>   rrp_mode: passive
>   transport: udpu
> }
> nodelist {
>   node {
>     ring0_addr: node1
>     ring1_addr:
>     nodeid: 1
>   }
>   node {
>     ring0_addr: node2
>     ring1_addr:
>     nodeid: 2
>   }
>   node {
>     ring0_addr: node3
>     nodeid: 3
>   }
> }
> quorum {
>   provider: corosync_votequorum
>   two_node: 0
> }
> logging {
>   to_syslog: yes
> }
> Thanks,
> Matt
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