[ClusterLabs] fence-agents 4.0.20 release

Marek "marx" Grac mgrac at redhat.com
Tue Aug 11 11:52:59 UTC 2015

Welcome to the fence-agents 4.0.20 release

This release includes several bugfixes and features:

* In some cases password string was expected twice what lead to 'Unable 
to login'
* New fence agent fence_rcd_serial for DYI fence device (look at 
https://smcleod.net/rcd-stonith/ ; thanks to Sam McLeod)
* Fence_pve should default to SSL (thanks to Thomas Lamprecht)
* Fixes nroff error for fence_virsh (thanks to Adrian Vondendriesch)
* Improve monitoring for fence_scsi
* Fixes for devices which do not have port and obtaining status is not 
* fence_ipmilan no longer print password to debug info
* Possibility to do force-ON even if device is already ON
* Possibility to declare that device does not have ON or OFF (usually 
only reboot works)

Git repository can be found at https://github.com/ClusterLabs/fence-agents/

The new source tarball can be downloaded here:


To report bugs or issues:


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Thanks/congratulations to all people that contributed to achieve this
great milestone.


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