[Pacemaker] HA Summit Key-signing Party (was: Organizing HA Summit 2015)

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Tue Jan 27 17:11:11 UTC 2015

> What's needed?
> Once you have a key pair (and provided that you are using GnuPG), please
> run the following sequence:
>     # figure out the key ID for the identity to be verified;
>     # IDENTITY is either your associated email address/your name
>     # if only single key ID matches, specific key otherwise
>     # (you can use "gpg -K" to select a desired ID at the "sec" line)
>     KEY=$(gpg --with-colons 'IDENTITY' | grep '^pub' | cut -d: -f5)

Oops, sorry, somehow '-k' got lost above ^.  Correct version:

     KEY=$(gpg -k --with-colons 'IDENTITY' | grep '^pub' | cut -d: -f5)

>     # export the public key to a file that is suitable for exchange
>     gpg --export -a -- $KEY > $KEY
>     # verify that you have an expected data to share
>     gpg --with-fingerprint -- $KEY

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