[Pacemaker] pacemaker-1.1.12 - lots of Could not establish cib_ro connection: Resource temporarily unavailable (11) errors

Nikola Ciprich nikola.ciprich at linuxbox.cz
Mon Feb 9 09:06:00 UTC 2015


I'd like to ask about following problem that troubles me for some time
and I wan't able to find solution for:

I've got cluster with quite a lot of resources, and when I try to do
multiple operations at time, I get a lot of resource failures (ie
failed starts)

The only related information I was able to find is following snippet of the log:

crmd:   notice: process_lrm_event:     Operation vmtnv03_start_0: unknown error (node=v1b, call=748, rc=1, cib-update=211, confirmed=true)
crmd:   notice: process_lrm_event:     v1b-vmtnv03_start_0:748 [ Error: 'Could not establish cib_ro connection: Resource temporarily unavailable (11)'\n ]

The OCF script does not do anything special, start action basically just runs some 
python command..

Does somebody have a tip what to do with this problem, or how to debug it further?

my system is latest centos 6, pacemaker-1.1.12-4.el6, cman-,

thanks a lot in advance!

with best regards


Ing. Nikola CIPRICH
LinuxBox.cz, s.r.o.
28.rijna 168, 709 00 Ostrava

tel.:   +420 591 166 214
fax:    +420 596 621 273
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mobil servis: +420 737 238 656
email servis: servis at linuxbox.cz
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