[Pacemaker] Two node cluster and no hardware device for stonith.

Andrea a.bacchi at codices.com
Thu Feb 5 17:08:56 CET 2015

> > On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, Andrea <a.bacchi at ...
> > <mailto:a.bacchi at ...>> wrote:
> >
> >     Digimer <lists <at> ...> writes:
> >
> >      >
> >      > That fence failed until the network came back makes your fence method
> >      > less than ideal. Will it eventually fence with the network still
> >     failed?
> >      >
> >      > Most importantly though; Cluster resources blocked while the
> >     fence was
> >      > pending? If so, then your cluster is safe, and that is the most
> >      > important part.
> >      >
> >     Hi Digimer
> >
> >     I'm using for fencing a remote NAS, attached via iscsi target.
> >     During network failure, for example on node2, each node try to fence
> >     other node.
> >     Fencing action on node1 get success, but on node2 fail, because it
> >     can't see
> >     iscsi target(network is down!) .
> >     I thinks it's the reason why node2 doesn't reboot now, because it
> >     can't make
> >     operation on key reservation and watchdog can't check for this.
> >     When network come back, watchdog can check for key registration and
> >     reboot
> >     node2.
> >
> >     For clustered filesystem I planned to use ping resource with location
> >     constraint as described here
> >    
> >     If the node can't see iscsi target..then..stop AppServer, Filesystem ecc
> >
> >     But it doesn't works. In the node with network failure i see in the
> >     log that
> >     pingd is set to 0 but Filesystem resource doesn't stop.
> >
> >     I will continue testing...
> >
> >     Thanks
> >     Andrea
> >
> >
> >


I test location constraint with ping resource to stop resource on
disconnected node, but with stonith active, doesn't works

I used dummy resource for test
[ONE]pcs resource create mydummy ocf:pacemaker:Dummy op monitor
interval=120s  --clone

Ping resource
[ONE] pcs resource create ping ocf:pacemaker:ping dampen=5s multiplier=1000
host_list=pingnode --clone

Location Constraint
[ONE]pcs constraint location mydummy rule score=-INFINITY pingd lt 1 or
not_defined pingd

If the pingnode became not visible on node2, I will see pingd attribute on
node2 set to 0 and dummy resources stop on node2.
If I cut off nentire network on node2, I will see pingd attribute on node2
set to 0 bud dummy resource never stop.
During network failure...stonith agent is active and try to fence node 1
without success.
Why? Is the failed fence action that block location constraint?


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