[Pacemaker] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: update cib after fence

philipp.achmueller at arz.at philipp.achmueller at arz.at
Thu Apr 9 09:27:45 UTC 2015

>Am Donnerstag, 9. April 2015, 10:27:51 schrieben Sie:


> why does pacemaker try to move VM to joining node?
> ...
> ....
> <rsc_location id="cli-ban-lnx0106a-on-lnx0129a" node="lnx0129a"
> role="Started" rsc="lnx0106a" score="-INFINITY"/>
> ...

>You orderd pacemaker to do so. Probably by a crm resource migrate 

>Location constraints that start with a "cli-" were induced by command 


no, the constraint is for different server. VM lnx0106a is running on 
lnx0129b. constraint is for lnx0129a.
after cleanup and startup of fenced node i still have above mentioned 

thank you

> after cleanup of VM Resource lnx0106a the host lnx0083a starts 
> thank you!

>Perhaps you delete the location constraint.

>Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

>Michael Schwartzkopff

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