[Pacemaker] [Linux-HA] [RFC] Organizing HA Summit 2015

Alan Robertson alanr at unix.sh
Tue Sep 9 13:11:50 UTC 2014

Hi Fabio,

Do you know much about the Brno DevConf?

I was wondering if the Assimilation Project might be interesting to the
audience there.

It's related to High Availability in that we monitor systems and
services with zero configuration - we even use OCF RAs ;-).  Because of
that, we could eventually intervene in systems - restarting services, or
even migrating them.  That's not in current plans, but it is technically
very possible.

But it's so much more than that - and HUGELY scalable - 10K servers
without breathing hard, and 100K servers without proxies, etc.  It also
discovers systems, services, dependencies, switch connections, and lots
of other things.  Basically everything is done with near-zero
configuration.  We wind up with a graph database describing everything
in great detail - and it's continually up to date.

I don't know if you know me, but I founded the Linux-HA project and led
it for about 10 years.

    -- Alan Robertson
        alanr at unix.sh

On 09/08/2014 04:30 AM, Fabio M. Di Nitto wrote:
> All,
> it's been almost 6 years since we had a face to face meeting for all
> developers and vendors involved in Linux HA.
> I'd like to try and organize a new event and piggy-back with DevConf in
> Brno [1].
> DevConf will start Friday the 6th of Feb 2015 in Red Hat Brno offices.
> My suggestion would be to have a 2 days dedicated HA summit the 4th and
> the 5th of February.
> The goal for this meeting is to, beside to get to know each other and
> all social aspect of those events, tune the directions of the various HA
> projects and explore common areas of improvements.
> I am also very open to the idea of extending to 3 days, 1 one dedicated
> to customers/users and 2 dedicated to developers, by starting the 3rd.
> Thoughts?
> Fabio
> PS Please hit reply all or include me in CC just to make sure I'll see
> an answer :)
> [1] http://devconf.cz/
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