[Pacemaker] No demote after pre demote

Arjun Pandey apandepublic at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 12:31:16 UTC 2014


I am running a 2 node cluster with this config

Master/Slave Set: foo-master [foo]
Masters: [ bharat ]
Slaves: [ ram ]
AC_FLT (ocf::pw:IPaddr): Started bharat
CR_CP_FLT (ocf::pw:IPaddr): Started bharat
CR_UP_FLT (ocf::pw:IPaddr): Started bharat
Mgmt_FLT (ocf::pw:IPaddr): Started bharat

where IPaddr RA is just modified IPAddr2 RA. Additionally i have a
colocation constraint for the IP addr to be colocated with the master.
I have set the migration-threshold as 2 for the VIP.

I ran into a issue where when the node ram is master and i bring an
interface down switchover is not triggered. On checking the logs for
multi-state RA foo. I find that i have only received pre-demote on ram
(the current master). However i don't get demote after this. The
system is stuck in this situation for hours.

I am using

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