[Pacemaker] [ha-wg-technical] Wiki for planning created - Re: [RFC] Organizing HA Summit 2015

Digimer lists at alteeve.ca
Sun Nov 30 05:56:37 UTC 2014

On 27/11/14 11:52 AM, Digimer wrote:
> I just created a dedicated/fresh wiki for planning and organizing:
> http://plan.alteeve.ca/index.php/Main_Page
> Other than the domain, it has no association with any existing project,
> so it should be a neutral enough platform. Also, it's not owned by
> $megacorp (I wish!), so spying/privacy shouldn't be an issue I hope. If
> there is concern, I can setup https.
> If no one else gets to it before me, I'll start collating the data from
> the mailing list onto that wiki tomorrow (maaaybe today, depends).
> The wiki requires registration, but that's it. I'm not bothering with
> captchas because, in my experience, spammer walk right through them
> anyway. I do have edits email me, so I can catch and roll back any spam
> quickly.

Ok, I was getting 3~5 spam accounts created per day. To deal with this, 
I setup 'questy' captcha program with five (random) questions that 
should be easy to answer, even for non-english speakers. Just the same, 
if anyone has any trouble registering, please feel free to email me 
directly and I will be happy to help.


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