[Pacemaker] [ha-wg-technical] [Cluster-devel] [Linux-HA] [ha-wg] [RFC] Organizing HA Summit 2015

Digimer lists at alteeve.ca
Tue Nov 25 23:06:29 UTC 2014

On 25/11/14 04:31 PM, Andrew Beekhof wrote:
>> Yeah, but you're already bringing him for your personal conference.
>> That's a bit different. ;-)
>> OK, let's switch tracks a bit. What *topics* do we actually have? Can we
>> fill two days? Where would we want to collect them?
> Personally I'm interested in talking about scaling - with pacemaker-remoted and/or a new messaging/membership layer.
> Other design-y topics:
> - SBD
> - degraded mode
> - improved notifications

This my be something my company can bring to the table. We just hired a 
dev whose principle goal is to develop and alert system for HA. We're 
modelling it heavily on the fence/resource agent model with a "scan 
core" and "scan agents". It's sort of like existing tools, but designed 
specifically for HA clusters and heavily focused on not interfering with 
the host more than at all necessary. By Feb., it should be mostly done.

We're doing this for our own needs, but it might be a framework worth 
talking about, if nothing else to see if others consider it a fit. Of 
course, it will be entirely open source. *If* there is interest, I could 
put together a(n informal) talk on it with a demo.

> - containerisation of services (cgroups, docker, virt)
> - resource-agents (upstream releases, handling of pull requests, testing)
> User-facing topics could include recent features (ie. pacemaker-remoted, crm_resource --restart) and common deployment scenarios (eg. NFS) that people get wrong.

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