[Pacemaker] cold-start to standby?

Lars Marowsky-Bree lmb at suse.com
Sat Mar 1 11:20:19 UTC 2014

On 2014-03-01T00:14:25, Matthew O'Connor <matt at ecsorl.com> wrote:

> I have had a few instances recently where circumstances conspired to
> bring my cluster down completely and most non-gracefully (and this was
> in spite of a relatively new 10kVA UPS).  When bringing the nodes back
> online, it would be enormously useful to me if they would go
> automatically into standby when starting from an unknown state; that is,
> when starting up with the realization that no active state exists (since
> all the other nodes are down as well).
> Is this possible in any of the current releases?

Yes. You can use this trick:

Set the nodes to standby permanently:

# crm node standby node1

Set the node online *until it reboots*:

# crm node status-attr node1 set standby false

Voila. Now every time the node reboots it'll be in standby until
something or someone intervenes with this command.


Architect Storage/HA
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