[Pacemaker] help migrating over cluster config from pacemaker plugin into corosync to pcs

Alex Samad - Yieldbroker Alex.Samad at yieldbroker.com
Thu Mar 13 00:56:49 UTC 2014


So this is what I used to do to setup my cluster
crm configure property stonith-enabled=false
crm configure property no-quorum-policy=ignore
crm configure rsc_defaults resource-stickiness=100
crm configure primitive ybrpip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=5s
crm configure primitive ybrpstat ocf:yb:ybrp op monitor interval=5s
crm configure colocation ybrp INFINITY: ybrpip ybrpstat
crm configure group ybrpgrp ybrpip ybrpstat
crm_resource --meta --resource ybrpstat --set-parameter migration-threshold --parameter-value 2
crm_resource --meta --resource ybrpstat --set-parameter failure-timeout --parameter-value 2m

I have written my own ybrp resource (/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/yb/ybrp)

So basically what I want to do is have 2 nodes have a floating VIP (I was looking at moving forward with the IP load balancing )
I run an application on both nodes it doesn't need to be started, should start at server start up.
I need the VIP or the loading balancing to move from node to node.

Normal operation would be
50% on node A and 50% on node B (I realise this depends on IP & hash)
If app fails on one node then all the traffic should move to the other node. The cluster should not try and restart the application
Once the application comes back on the broken node the VIP should be allowed to move back or the load balancing should accept traffic back there.
Simple ?

I was trying to use the above commands to programme up the new pacemaker, but I can't find the easy transform of crm to pcs... so I thought I would ask the list for help to configure up with the load balance VIP.


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