[Pacemaker] Multiple node loadbalancing

Machiel machiel at integrat.co.za
Wed Jul 30 12:59:31 UTC 2014

Hi Guys

     We are trying to setup the following, however we can not seem to 
find any references on the internet which will explain on how to 
configure it.

     We have 3 machines, and we need to setup load balancing on the 
machines as follows:

             - Load balancer and apps running on all 3 machines
             - 1 machine should be the load balancer (master) which will 
balance traffic over all 3 machines including itself.
             - should this node fail, the second node should take over 
the task, and if the second node should fail, then the 3rd node should 
take over as standalone until the other nodes are restored.

         We are only able to find configuration instructions on how to 
setup load balancing for 2 nodes which we have done several times, 
however no info for 3 nodes.

         We are currently using ldirectord and heartbeat, however in 
this setup, if the first node fails , then both the 2nd and 3rd nodes 
try to take over. (this was configured very long ago though).

         I would really appreciate any suggestions on this or even links 
where I can find the information would be appreciated.


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