[Pacemaker] node1 fencing itself after node2 being fenced

Asgaroth lists at blueface.com
Thu Feb 20 10:13:56 UTC 2014

> I would really love to see logs at this point.
> Both from pacemaker and the system in general (and clvmd if it produces
> any).
> Based on what you say below, there doesn't seem to be a good reason for
> the hang (ie. no reason to be trying to fence anyone)

I will try to get some logs to you and Fabio today, I just want to enable
debug logging for the cluster as Fabio suggested and will re-enable debug
logging for clvmd (as suggested by Vladislav earlier in the thread).

> Right. I forgot. Sorry. Carry on :-)
> There have been a bunch of discussions going on regarding clvmd in rhel7
> and they got muddled in my head.

No worries sir, it happens to the best of us :)

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