[Pacemaker] node1 fencing itself after node2 being fenced

Asgaroth lists at blueface.com
Wed Feb 5 17:10:35 UTC 2014

On 05/02/2014 16:12, Digimer wrote:
> You say it's working now? If so, excellent. If you have any troubles 
> though, please share your cluster.conf and 'pcs config show'.

Hi Digimer, no its not working as I expect it to when I test a crash of 
node 2, clvmd goes in to a failed state and then node1 gets "shot in the 
head", other than that the config appears works fine with the minimal 
testing I have done so far :)

I have attached the cluster.conf and pcs config files to the email (with 
minimal obfuscation).


-------------- next part --------------
<cluster config_version="12" name="sftp-cluster">
    <clusternode name="test01" nodeid="1">
      <altname name="test01-alt"/>
        <method name="pcmk-redirect">
          <device delay="15" name="pcmk" port="test01"/>
    <clusternode name="test02" nodeid="2">
      <altname name="test02-alt"/>
        <method name="pcmk-redirect">
          <device name="pcmk" port="test02"/>
  <cman keyfile="/etc/corosync/authkey" port="5405" transport="udpu"/>
    <fencedevice agent="fence_pcmk" name="pcmk"/>
  <totem rrp_mode="active"/>
-------------- next part --------------
[root at test01 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: sftp-cluster
Corosync Nodes:
Pacemaker Nodes:
 test01 test02 

 Clone: dlm-clone
  Meta Attrs: interleave=true ordered=true 
  Resource: dlm (class=ocf provider=pacemaker type=controld)
   Operations: monitor on-fail=fence interval=30s (dlm-monitor-interval-30s)
 Clone: clvmd-clone
  Meta Attrs: interleave=true ordered=true 
  Resource: clvmd (class=lsb type=clvmd)
   Operations: monitor on-fail=fence interval=30s (clvmd-monitor-interval-30s)
 Clone: fs-cdr-clone
  Meta Attrs: interleave=true 
  Resource: fs-cdr (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
   Attributes: device=/dev/appvg/cdrlv directory=/shared/cdr fstype=gfs2 options=defaults,noatime,nodiratime 
   Operations: monitor on-fail=fence interval=10s (fs-cdr-monitor-interval-10s)
 Group: sftp01-vip
  Resource: vip-001 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
   Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=eth0 
   Operations: monitor interval=5s (vip-001-monitor-interval-5s)
  Resource: vip-002 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
   Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=eth1 
   Operations: monitor interval=5s (vip-002-monitor-interval-5s)
 Group: sftp02-vip
  Resource: vip-003 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
   Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=eth0 
   Operations: monitor interval=5s (vip-003-monitor-interval-5s)
  Resource: vip-004 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
   Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=eth1 
   Operations: monitor interval=5s (vip-004-monitor-interval-5s)
 Resource: sftp01 (class=lsb type=sftp01)
  Operations: monitor interval=30s (sftp01-monitor-interval-30s)
 Resource: sftp02 (class=lsb type=sftp02)
  Operations: monitor interval=30s (sftp02-monitor-interval-30s)

Stonith Devices: 
 Resource: fence_test01 (class=stonith type=fence_vmware_soap)
  Attributes: login=user passwd=password action=reboot ipaddr=vcenter_host port=TEST01 ssl=1 pcmk_host_list=test01 
  Operations: monitor interval=60s (fence_test01-monitor-interval-60s)
 Resource: fence_test02 (class=stonith type=fence_vmware_soap)
  Attributes: login=user passwd=password action=reboot ipaddr=vcenter_host port=TEST02 ssl=1 pcmk_host_list=test02 
  Operations: monitor interval=60s (fence_test02-monitor-interval-60s)
Fencing Levels: 

Location Constraints:
  Resource: sftp01
    Enabled on: test01 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-sftp01)
  Resource: sftp01-vip
    Enabled on: test01 (score:100) (id:location-sftp01-vip-test01-100)
  Resource: sftp02
    Enabled on: test02 (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-sftp02)
  Resource: sftp02-vip
    Enabled on: test02 (score:100) (id:location-sftp02-vip-test02-100)
Ordering Constraints:
  start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (Mandatory) (id:order-dlm-clone-clvmd-clone-mandatory)
  start clvmd-clone then start fs-cdr-clone (Mandatory) (id:order-clvmd-clone-fs-cdr-clone-mandatory)
  start sftp01-vip then start sftp01 (Mandatory) (id:order-sftp01-vip-sftp01-mandatory)
  start sftp02-vip then start sftp02 (Mandatory) (id:order-sftp02-vip-sftp02-mandatory)
Colocation Constraints:
  clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (INFINITY) (id:colocation-clvmd-clone-dlm-clone-INFINITY)
  fs-cdr-clone with clvmd-clone (INFINITY) (id:colocation-fs-cdr-clone-clvmd-clone-INFINITY)
  sftp01 with sftp01-vip (INFINITY) (id:colocation-sftp01-sftp01-vip-INFINITY)
  sftp02 with sftp02-vip (INFINITY) (id:colocation-sftp02-sftp02-vip-INFINITY)

Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: cman
 dc-version: 1.1.10-14.el6_5.2-368c726
 last-lrm-refresh: 1391176104
 no-quorum-policy: ignore
 stonith-enabled: true

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