[Pacemaker] Resource ordering/colocating question (DRBD + LVM + FS)

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Thu Sep 12 07:08:03 UTC 2013

On 09/09/2013, at 6:46 PM, Heikki Manninen <hma at iki.fi> wrote:

> Hello Andreas, thanks for your input, much appreciated.
> On 5.9.2013, at 16.39, "Andreas Mock" <andreas.mock at web.de> wrote:
>> 1) The second output of crm_mon show a resource IP_database
>> which is not shown in the initial crm_mon output and also
>> not in the config. => Reduce your problem/config to the
>> minimum being reproducible.
> True. I edited out the resource from the e-mail that did not have anything to do with the problem as such (works ok all the time). Just forgot to remove it from the second copy-paste also. And yes, no more IP resource in the configuration.
>> 2) Enable logging and look out which node is the DC.
>> There in the logs you find many many informations showing
>> what is going on. Hint: Open a terminal session with an
>> opened tail -f logfile. Watch it while inserting commands.
>> You'll get used to it.
> Seems that node #2 was the DC (also visible in the pcs status output). I have looked at the logs all the time, just not yet too familiar with the contents of pacemaker logging. Here's the thing that keeps repeating everytime those LVM and FS resources stay in stopped state:
> Sep  3 20:01:23 pgdbsrv02 pengine[1667]:   notice: LogActions: Start   LVM_vgdata01#011(pgdbsrv01.cl1.local - blocked)
> Sep  3 20:01:23 pgdbsrv02 pengine[1667]:   notice: LogActions: Start   FS_data01#011(pgdbsrv01.cl1.local - blocked)
> Sep  3 20:01:23 pgdbsrv02 pengine[1667]:   notice: LogActions: Start   LVM_vgdata02#011(pgdbsrv01.cl1.local - blocked)
> Sep  3 20:01:23 pgdbsrv02 pengine[1667]:   notice: LogActions: Start   FS_data02#011(pgdbsrv01.cl1.local - blocked)
> So what does blocked mean here?

It means we'd like to start those resources on pgdbsrv01.cl1.local but something has to happen first - possibly some other resource needs to start but can't.

> Is it that the node #1 in this case is in need of fencing/stonithing and thus being blocked or something else (I have a backgroud in the RHCS/HACMP/LifeKeeper etc. world). No quorum policy is set to ignore.
>> 3) The shown status of a drbd resource (crm_mon) doesn't show
>> you all informations of the drbd devices. Have a look at
>> drbd-overview on both nodes. (e.g. syncing status).
> True, DRBD is working fine on these occations. Connected, Synced etc.
>> 4) This setup CRIES for stonithing. Even in a test environment.
>> When stonith happens (this is what you see immediately) you
>> know something went wrong. This is a good indicator for
>> errors in agents or in the config. Believe me, as tedious stonithing
>> is the valuable it is for getting hints for bad cluster state.
>> On virtual machines stonithing is not as painful as on real
>> servers.
> Very much true. I have implemented some custom fencing/stonithing agents before on physical and virtual cluster environments. Problem being here is that I'm not aware of reasonably simple ways to implement stonith with VMware Fusion that I'm bound to use for this test setup. Have to dig more into this though. So fencing from cman cluster.conf is chained to pacemaker fencing and pacemaker stonithing is disabled, no quorum policy is ignore.
>> 5) Is the drbd fencing script enabled? If yes, in certain circumstances
>> -INF rules are inserted to deny promoting of "wrong" nodes.
>> You should grep for them 'cibadmin -Q | grep <resname>'
> No, DRBD fencing is not enabled and split-brain recovery is done manually.
>> 6) crm_simulate -L -v gives you an output of the scores of
>> the resources on each node. I really don't know how to read it
>> exactly (Is there a documentation of that anywhere?), but it
>> gives you a hint where to look at, when resources don't start.
>> Especially the aggregation of stickiness values in groups are
>> sometimes misleading.
> Could be that I have some different version maybe, because -v is unknown option and:
> # crm_simulate -L -V
> Current cluster status:
> Online: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
> Master/Slave Set: DRBD_ms_data01 [DRBD_data01]
>    Masters: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local ]
>    Slaves: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
> Master/Slave Set: DRBD_ms_data02 [DRBD_data02]
>    Masters: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local ]
>    Slaves: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
> Resource Group: GRP_data01
>    LVM_vgdata01	(ocf::heartbeat:LVM):	Stopped
>    FS_data01	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Stopped
> Resource Group: GRP_data02
>    LVM_vgdata02	(ocf::heartbeat:LVM):	Stopped
>    FS_data02	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Stopped
> Only shows that much.
> Original problem description left quoted below.
> -- 
> Heikki M
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Heikki Manninen [mailto:hma at iki.fi] 
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. September 2013 14:08
>> An: pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
>> Betreff: [Pacemaker] Resource ordering/colocating question (DRBD + LVM + FS)
>> Hello,
>> I'm having a bit of a problem understanding what's going on with my simple
>> two-node demo cluster here. My resources come up correctly after restarting
>> the whole cluster but the LVM and Filesystem resources fail to start after a
>> single node restart or standby/unstandby (after node comes back online - why
>> do they even stop/start after the second node comes back?).
>> OS: CentOS 6.4 (cman stack)
>> Pacemaker: pacemaker-1.1.8-7.el6.x86_64
>> DRBD: drbd84-utils-8.4.3-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64
>> Everything is configured using: pcs-0.9.26-10.el6_4.1.noarch
>> Two DRBD resources configured and working: data01 & data02
>> Two nodes: pgdbsrv01.cl1.local & pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> Configuration:
>> node pgdbsrv01.cl1.local
>> node pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> primitive DRBD_data01 ocf:linbit:drbd \
>>   params drbd_resource="data01" \
>>   op monitor interval="30s"
>> primitive DRBD_data02 ocf:linbit:drbd \
>>   params drbd_resource="data02" \
>>   op monitor interval="30s"
>> primitive FS_data01 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
>>   params device="/dev/mapper/vgdata01-lvdata01" directory="/data01"
>> fstype="ext4" \
>>   op monitor interval="30s"
>> primitive FS_data02 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
>>   params device="/dev/mapper/vgdata02-lvdata02" directory="/data02"
>> fstype="ext4" \
>>   op monitor interval="30s"
>> primitive LVM_vgdata01 ocf:heartbeat:LVM \
>>   params volgrpname="vgdata01" exclusive="true" \
>>   op monitor interval="30s"
>> primitive LVM_vgdata02 ocf:heartbeat:LVM \
>>   params volgrpname="vgdata02" exclusive="true" \
>>   op monitor interval="30s"
>> group GRP_data01 LVM_vgdata01 FS_data01
>> group GRP_data02 LVM_vgdata02 FS_data02
>> ms DRBD_ms_data01 DRBD_data01 \
>>   meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
>> clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
>> ms DRBD_ms_data02 DRBD_data02 \
>>   meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
>> clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
>> colocation colocation-GRP_data01-DRBD_ms_data01-INFINITY inf: GRP_data01
>> DRBD_ms_data01:Master
>> colocation colocation-GRP_data02-DRBD_ms_data02-INFINITY inf: GRP_data02
>> DRBD_ms_data02:Master
>> order order-DRBD_data01-GRP_data01-mandatory : DRBD_data01:promote
>> GRP_data01:start
>> order order-DRBD_data02-GRP_data02-mandatory : DRBD_data02:promote
>> GRP_data02:start
>> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>>   dc-version="1.1.8-7.el6-394e906" \
>>   cluster-infrastructure="cman" \
>>   stonith-enabled="false" \
>>   no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>>   migration-threshold="1"
>> rsc_defaults $id="rsc_defaults-options" \
>>   resource-stickiness="100"
>> 1) After starting the cluster, everything runs happily:
>> Last updated: Tue Sep  3 00:11:13 2013
>> Last change: Tue Sep  3 00:05:15 2013 via cibadmin on pgdbsrv01.cl1.local
>> Stack: cman
>> Current DC: pgdbsrv02.cl1.local - partition with quorum
>> Version: 1.1.8-7.el6-394e906
>> 2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
>> 9 Resources configured.
>> Online: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>> Full list of resources:
>> Master/Slave Set: DRBD_ms_data01 [DRBD_data01]
>>   Masters: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local ]
>>   Slaves: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>> Master/Slave Set: DRBD_ms_data02 [DRBD_data02]
>>   Masters: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local ]
>>   Slaves: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>> Resource Group: GRP_data01
>>   LVM_vgdata01 (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started pgdbsrv01.cl1.local
>>   FS_data01 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started pgdbsrv01.cl1.local
>> Resource Group: GRP_data02
>>   LVM_vgdata02 (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started pgdbsrv01.cl1.local
>>   FS_data02 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started pgdbsrv01.cl1.local
>> 2) Putting node #1 to standby mode - after which everything runs happily on
>> node pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> # pcs cluster standby pgdbsrv01.cl1.local
>> # pcs status
>> Last updated: Tue Sep  3 00:16:01 2013
>> Last change: Tue Sep  3 00:15:55 2013 via crm_attribute on
>> pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> Stack: cman
>> Current DC: pgdbsrv02.cl1.local - partition with quorum
>> Version: 1.1.8-7.el6-394e906
>> 2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
>> 9 Resources configured.
>> Node pgdbsrv01.cl1.local: standby
>> Online: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>> Full list of resources:
>> IP_database     (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):     Started pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> Master/Slave Set: DRBD_ms_data01 [DRBD_data01]
>>   Masters: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>>   Stopped: [ DRBD_data01:1 ]
>> Master/Slave Set: DRBD_ms_data02 [DRBD_data02]
>>   Masters: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>>   Stopped: [ DRBD_data02:1 ]
>> Resource Group: GRP_data01
>>   LVM_vgdata01     (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):     Started pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>>   FS_data01     (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):     Started
>> pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> Resource Group: GRP_data02
>>   LVM_vgdata02     (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):     Started pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>>   FS_data02     (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):     Started
>> pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> 3) Putting node #1 back online - it seems that all the resources stop (?)
>> and then DRBD gets promoted successfully on node #2 but LVM and FS resources
>> never start
>> # pcs cluster unstandby pgdbsrv01.cl1.local
>> # pcs status
>> Last updated: Tue Sep  3 00:17:00 2013
>> Last change: Tue Sep  3 00:16:56 2013 via crm_attribute on
>> pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> Stack: cman
>> Current DC: pgdbsrv02.cl1.local - partition with quorum
>> Version: 1.1.8-7.el6-394e906
>> 2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
>> 9 Resources configured.
>> Online: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>> Full list of resources:
>> IP_database     (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):     Started pgdbsrv02.cl1.local
>> Master/Slave Set: DRBD_ms_data01 [DRBD_data01]
>>   Masters: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>>   Slaves: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local ]
>> Master/Slave Set: DRBD_ms_data02 [DRBD_data02]
>>   Masters: [ pgdbsrv02.cl1.local ]
>>   Slaves: [ pgdbsrv01.cl1.local ]
>> Resource Group: GRP_data01
>>   LVM_vgdata01     (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):     Stopped
>>   FS_data01     (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):     Stopped
>> Resource Group: GRP_data02
>>   LVM_vgdata02     (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):     Stopped
>>   FS_data02     (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):     Stopped
>> Any ideas why this is happening/what could be wrong in the resource
>> configuration? The same thing happens when testing the situation with the
>> resources located vice-versa in the beginning. Also, if I stop & start one
>> of the nodes, same thing happens once the node gets back online.
>> -- 
>> Heikki Manninen <hma at iki.fi>
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