[Pacemaker] libqb-0.16 instability with standby/unstandby ?

Mike Pomraning mjp at pilcrow.madison.wi.us
Tue Oct 22 15:49:28 UTC 2013

Regarding Justin Burnham's recent "Pacemaker crash on node
unstandby/standby"[0] message, is anyone else seeing this behavior with

I'm getting anecdotal reports of the same behavior from a team at work
using RHEL-derived pcmk-1.1.8 and corosync-1.4.1 with libqb-0.16.
 Reverting to libqb-0.14 appears to have solved the issue.  Sorry, I don't
have enough to reproduce yet, but the similarities in symptoms are

FWIW, Justin also noted off list that his problems appear to have begun
after updating to 0.16 a short time ago.


  [0] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.highavailability.pacemaker/19289
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