[Pacemaker] dual drbd+active/active mysql is that possible?

Gray Wen Wen deutschland.gray at gmail.com
Sat Oct 5 18:08:24 UTC 2013

Hi all,
now I am trying to configure a dual DRBD with mysql
i wanna use active/active mode without any loadbalance.
so my drbd is primary/primary on node1 and node2.
the mount point is /mysql
and i configure everything for mysql
then when I start the pacemaker service
the mysql can only be active on one node.
and another server show mysql startup error.

I tried few times...so here is my question,
whether because of I set primay/primary drbd so actually the two nodes hold
the same shared storage (/mysql folder on two nodes)
so if one node start mysql that means it locks the folder /mysql
and another node can not continue use this shared storage.

does mysql active/active mode must use loadblance or something else?

hope my description is fine to understand.

here is my crm status...I dont think my CIB configuration is wrong...
but mysql can not be alive on both nodes..which is strange...

Online: [ node1.test.com node2.test.com ]

 Clone Set: mysqlFS_clone [mysqlFS]
     Started: [ node1.test.com ]
     Stopped: [ mysqlFS:1 ]
 Clone Set: mysqld_clone [mysqld]
     Started: [ node1.test.com ]
     Stopped: [ mysqld:1 ]
 Master/Slave Set: mysqldrbd_clone [mysqldrbd]
     Masters: [ node1.test.com ]
     Slaves: [ node2.test.com ]
 Clone Set: WebIP [ClusterIP] (unique)
     ClusterIP:0        (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started
     ClusterIP:1        (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started

Failed actions:
    mysqldrbd_monitor_30000 (node=node1.test.com, call=49, rc=8,
status=complete): master
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