[Pacemaker] SBD fencing with stonith disabled

Angel L. Mateo amateo at um.es
Tue Nov 19 10:25:36 UTC 2013

El 19/11/13 09:44, Lars Marowsky-Bree escribió:
> On 2013-11-19T09:27:10, "Angel L. Mateo" <amateo at um.es> wrote:
>> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>>          dc-version="1.1.6-9971ebba4494012a93c03b40a2c58ec0eb60f50c" \
> Wow, that's quite old.
	It's pacemaker provided by ubuntu 12.04.

>> Nov 16 12:20:47 myotis51 sbd: [1377]: WARN: Latency: No liveness for 4 s
>> exceeds threshold of 3 s (
>> healthy servants: 0)
>> 	Should I stop sbd daemon even if I have stonith-enabled=false?
> stonith-enabled="false" does not disable sbd's self-fencing in case of
> lost devices. (I think I'd be willing to take a patch if it isn't too
> convoluted.)
	My cluster's nodes are in vmware vsphere virtual machines. Could I use 
another stonith device, like external/vcenter? Is there any 
recommendation about it?

> You may want to consider using the -P option to enable pacemaker
> integration though; that could also make things better.
	Is this a sbd's option? I can't see that options (or it is undocumented):

amateo_adm at myotis51:/var/log$ sbd --help
sbd: invalid option -- '-'
Shared storage fencing tool.
	sbd <options> <command> <cmdarguments>
-d <devname>	Block device to use (mandatory; can be specified up to 3 times)
-h		Display this help.
-n <node>	Set local node name; defaults to uname -n (optional)

-R		Do NOT enable realtime priority (debugging only)
-W		Use watchdog (recommended) (watch only)
-w <dev>	Specify watchdog device (optional) (watch only)
-T		Do NOT initialize the watchdog timeout (watch only)
-v		Enable some verbose debug logging (optional)

-1 <N>		Set watchdog timeout to N seconds (optional, create only)
-2 <N>		Set slot allocation timeout to N seconds (optional, create only)
-3 <N>		Set daemon loop timeout to N seconds (optional, create only)
-4 <N>		Set msgwait timeout to N seconds (optional, create only)
-5 <N>		Warn if loop latency exceeds threshold (optional, watch only)
			(default is 3, set to 0 to disable)
-t <N>		Interval in seconds for automatic child restarts (optional)
			(default is 3600, set to 0 to disable)
create		initialize N slots on <dev> - OVERWRITES DEVICE!
list		List all allocated slots on device, and messages.
dump		Dump meta-data header from device.
watch		Loop forever, monitoring own slot
allocate <node>
		Allocate a slot for node (optional)
message <node> (test|reset|off|clear|exit)
		Writes the specified message to node's slot.

> Note that not running the sbd daemon and setting stonith-enabled="true"
> again will yield false STONITH successes. You're really not encouraged
> to do that, or only very carefully.
	Yes, I know it. I had stonith disabled (but sbd was running) because 
I'm having latency problems with my fiber channel disks, so I wanted to 
debug them without unnecessary reboots.

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
Tfo: 868887590
Fax: 868888337

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