[Pacemaker] placement-strategy=minimal - placing and logging

Vladimir ml at foomx.de
Fri Mar 8 20:26:55 UTC 2013

On Fri, 8 Mar 2013 19:48:11 +0100
Lars Marowsky-Bree <lmb at suse.com> wrote:

> > What are your experience? Is it possible to combine Resource Groups
> > and colocations? Or do I have to give up Resource Groups when using
> > colocations? If so I maybe have to restructure my resource setup to
> > colocations only.
> You can combine them fine.
> > That could be an approach. Sorry if a beginner question but I know
> > policy engine only in form of ptest command. Did you think to parse
> > the output of ptest and crm_mon?
> Yes.
> > Or do you see a more straight forward way to monitor the cluster
> > state?
> It depends on what you want to do. You can add a log message to
> pengine source code to indicate when a resource wasn't placed based on
> utilization; or similarly, indicate the reason why a resource is "not
> running" (as far as the PE can tell) in crm_mon (and then possibly
> hawk). That makes perfect sense, but none of the tools do that today.
> So it's either modifying the code or writing some code that deduces it
> from ptest output.

Thanks for the quick help.

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