[Pacemaker] Two resource nodes + one quorum node

Andrey Groshev greenx at yandex.ru
Fri Jun 21 10:30:42 UTC 2013

19.06.2013, 10:19, "Andrey Groshev" <greenx at yandex.ru>:
> I started experimenting.
> Received the first incomprehensible situation:
> There are three nodes. One of the quorum exists only, i.e. without a installed pacemaker.
> 1. Run all the nodes - cluster is running. All rigth.
> 2. Disconnect of quorum nodes - cluster is running. (crm_mon partition with quorum)
> 3. Disconnect of node with pacemaker - quorum is lost, the resources stop (crm_mon partition WITHOUT quorum).
> 4. Connect the quorum node (crm_mon partition with quorum) but the resources do not start. Why?

I was wrong - the resource starts in 15 minutes.
I found a matching entry in the log at the same time:
 grep '11:59.*900' /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
Jun 21 11:59:50 [23616] dev-cluster2-node4 crmd:     info: crm_timer_popped:       PEngine Recheck Timer (I_PE_CALC) just popped (900000ms)
Jun 21 11:59:54 [23616] dev-cluster2-node4 crmd:    debug: crm_timer_start:        Started PEngine Recheck Timer (I_PE_CALC:900000ms), src=220

But anyway, now I'm more interested in the question "why such behavior."
Please tell me which part of the documentation I have not read?

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