[Pacemaker] Announce: Making Resource Utilization Dynamic

Michael Schwartzkopff misch at clusterbau.com
Wed Jun 12 05:13:13 UTC 2013

Am Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013, 08:06:43 schrieb Andrew Beekhof:
> On 08/06/2013, at 6:49 PM, Michael Schwartzkopff <misch at clusterbau.com> 
> > Am Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013, 14:08:26 schrieb Andrew Beekhof:
> > > On 06/06/2013, at 4:44 AM, Michael Schwartzkopff <misch at clusterbau.com> 
> > > > Hi,
> > > > 
> > > > I was not satisfied with the situation that the utilization of
> > > > resources
> > > > is static. This is not how real world resources behave. Especially
> > > > virtual guests in a clustered environment show daily load patterns. So
> > > > I
> > > > thought it would be a good idea to make the utilization of resources
> > > > dynamic. I worte a small patch for the VirtualDomain resource agent
> > > > that
> > > > updates the CPU utilization every time it monitors the resource.
> > > > 
> > > > Please read about the background in the following article:
> > > > 
> > > > http://www.sys4.de/de/blog/54/
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Any comments?
> > > > Where can I send the patch to?
> > > 
> > > What patch :)
> > > I see a code fragment but no context.
> > 
> > Patch:
> > 
> > --- VirtualDomain.orig  2013-06-08 10:24:54.403863313 +0200
> > +++ VirtualDomain.new   2013-06-08 10:43:16.184253755 +0200
> > @@ -187,6 +187,15 @@
> > 
> >         dom_mem=$(LANG=C virsh $VIRSH_OPTIONS dominfo ${DOMAIN_NAME} | awk
> >         '/Max memory/{printf("%d", $3/1024)}') test -n "$dom_mem" &&
> >         set_util_attr hv_memory "$dom_mem"
> >      
> >      fi
> > 
> > +
> > +    if [ -x /usr/bin/virt-top ]; then
> > +      CPUS=$(/usr/bin/virsh nodeinfo | awk '/CPU\(s/ {print $2}')
> > +      CPU_TICKS=$(/usr/bin/virt-top -n 2 -d 5 --stream | grep
> > $DOMAIN_NAME | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%.0f",$7}') +     
> > OLD_TICKS=$(crm_resource -r $OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE -z -g ticks) +     
> > +      /usr/sbin/crm_resource -r $OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE -z -p ticks -v
> > ${NEW_TICKS} +    fi
> > +
> > 
> >  }
> >  
> >  # Set options to be passed to virsh:
> > > Also, what does the resource/constraint config look like?
> > 
> > primitive resMyDomain ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain params config="..."
> > 
> > no constraints.
> Ok, let me rephrase... is there any part of the config that makes use of the
> values the RA defines?

Perhaps I did not get the question right. But the rest is done by pacemaker 
automagically. If you set the utilizations of a node to 400 ticks and a 
VirtualDomain resources together consume more than 400 ticks pacemaker 
migrates at least one of the resources away from that node.

On the other hand if I set the utiliztion-strategy="minimal" pacemaker would 
migrate all resources to the minimal nodes possible without overloading one 
node. But whom do I tell ...

My idea is to switch off nodes if no resources run on that nodes and to switch 
on them again as utilization consumtion rises again. For that purpose I wrote 
a new Resource Agent that I want to publish in a next blog entry.

Given that setup you could save energy by running only as many nodes as really 
nescessary to deal with the utilizations of the resources.

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
Guardinistr. 63
81375 München

Tel: (0163) 172 50 98
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