[Pacemaker] failed actions after resource creation

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Fri Jun 7 00:39:25 UTC 2013

On 07/06/2013, at 2:52 AM, andreas graeper <agraeper at googlemail.com> wrote:

> thanks awfully for all your answers.
> i started reading about ha/cluster/drbd/pacemaker/.. two weeks ago. it is not yet easy to precise my questions.
> different os on test-environment only, but i already decided to have equal os for testing, too. 
> crm configure <<EOF .. # great !!! 
> my situation: two Nodes n1,n2 and all services (that must not run twice, and are managed by pacemaker) run on one node only. the other 
> shall take over in case the first fails. cause both machines are running, you may say, that some services run on n1, others on n2. but this moment
> i have only some services that depend on drbd:Master + IPaddr + Filesystem, so they have to run on one node. the rest (for today) is simply running on both nodes
> or not (pacemaker is not aware of).
> but a new question (to come closer to understand in full depth ..ö..) 
> when using location-constraints (more than two nodes and on one node a service (its binary) does not exists, negative location-constraint ) 
> would the resource-manager not complain about missing service (' .. not installed') ?

It will still complain because we would still check that node to make _sure_ its not running somewhere it shouldn't be before starting it where it should.

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