[Pacemaker] named

David Coulson david at davidcoulson.net
Wed Jun 5 11:44:04 UTC 2013

On 6/5/13 2:30 PM, paul wrote:
> Hi. I have followed the Clusters from scratch PDF and have a working two
> node active passive cluster with ClusterIP, WebDataClone,WebFS and
> WebSite working. I am using BIND DNS to direct my websites to the
> cluster address. When I perform a failover which works ok I have to
> restart BIND on the now active node since the ClusterIP wasn't available
> on this node when BIND originally started even though I have listen-to
> the ClusterIP listed in my named.conf. I need DNS to also be part of the
> cluster! There is ocf:redhat:named.sh listed but I have no idea how to
> incorporate this into my cluster. I have tried pcs resource create Named
> ocf:redhat:named.sh configfile="/var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf" op
> monitor interval=30s but I seem to have a basename:missing operand and
> an invalid Name Of Service. Could someone tell me what the create
> command should be? Thanks. Paul
I'm running RHEL6 and just use the named lsb which ships with it. Didn't 
make any modifications.

I have also created a resource which does a 'rndc reload', which is 
sufficient to cause named to bind to the new address.

primitive re-named-reload ocf:heartbeat:anything \
         params binfile="/usr/sbin/rndc" cmdline_options="reload"

So just have the reload run after your ip resource starts  (created a 
group or a collocation/order constraint).

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