[Pacemaker] ERROR: Wrong stack o2cb

Denis Witt denis.witt at concepts-and-training.de
Tue Jun 25 17:47:36 CEST 2013

On Tue, 25 Jun 2013 11:37:15 -0400 (EDT)
Jake Smith <jsmith at argotec.com> wrote:

> You probably already know but you're going to get failed "not
> installed" from test4 always unless you install the same packages
> there.
> Do you have logs from test4-node[1|2] that are generating the not
> installed for o2cb?  The log below is just from test4 if I'm not
> mistaken which we expect doesn't have o2cb installed.

Hi Jake,

the log is from test4-node2, the machine was renamed and in the logs it
still shows up as test4. It has o2cb installed. I can use the Drive
fine on this machine when I start o2cb and ocfs2 by hand and mount the
> A quick search for "ERROR: Wrong stack o2cb" indicates you may want
> to verify o2cb isn't starting on boot?  But that's just a guess
> without the logs from the affected nodes.

I've executed "update-rc.d o2cb disable" and "update-rc.d ocfs2
disable". The services are stopped and pacemaker/corosync should handle
everything. o2cb is still enabled in /etc/default/o2cb but the
init-Script isn't executed on boot.

Best regards
Denis Witt

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