[Pacemaker] Node recover causes resource to migrate

Jacobo García jacobo.garcia at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 12:20:02 EDT 2013


I'm trying the debug the following scenario:

My cluster setup is two AWS instances providing an elastic ip as an HA
resource. I have written a custom resource script for managing that, the
script passes all the tests specified in ocf-tester. It behaves properly in
other test scenarios.

In this link[1] you can find the corosync configuration file of node A and
the pacemaker configuration as well. The corosync configuration of the node
B is reciprocal.

But I founding lots of behavior that I am not able to understand in the
following situation:

1. Both nodes are up and node A has the Elastic IP
2. I turn off node A through AWS API.
3. After some time (around 2-3 mins) the Elastic IP moves to node B.

The strange behavior starts when I try to bring the node A back to the

4. Node A is back with a different internal ip address.
5. I update the ip address in the A node: `crm configure edit`
6. I add the ip address of node A in  node B: `crm configure edit`
(deleting the old ip of node B is not possible).
7. I update the ip address in the corosync configuration of node A.
8. I restart corosync in node A.
9. IP migrates from node B to node A because node B appears offline to node
A, this is because node A has not had its corosync config updated because I
don't want to restart corosync on the resource that is providing the ip.
10. At this point node A only sees itself and node B only sees itself.

Here is the log files of both nodes[2].

How can I bring a node back without having it moving the IP address back?

Thanks in advance.

[1] https://gist.github.com/therobot/67bae18b5acb0ba78925
[2] https://gist.github.com/therobot/ef85646d6e0092e494c4

Jacobo García López de Araujo
http://thebourbaki.com | http://twitter.com/clapkent
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