[Pacemaker] WG: configuration of stonith

Masopust, Christian christian.masopust at siemens.com
Mon Dec 9 14:58:13 UTC 2013

> > pcs stonith create ipmi-fencing-sv2837 fence_ipmilan 
> pcmk_host_list="sv2837"
> > ipaddr= action="off" login=ipmi passwd=abc 
> delay=15 op monitor
> > interval=60s pcs stonith create ipmi-fencing-sv2836 fence_ipmilan
> > pcmk_host_list="sv2836" ipaddr= action="off" login=ipmi
> > passwd=abc delay=15 op monitor interval=60s
> > 
> > pcs property set stonith-enabled=true
> > 
> > pcs constraint location ipmi-fencing-sv2837 prefers sv2836=INFINITY
> > pcs constraint location ipmi-fencing-sv2836 prefers sv2837=INFINITY
> > 
> > pcs status
> > ....
> > Full list of resources:
> >  ClusterIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started sv2836
> >  FIXRoute	(ocf::baader:FIXRoute):	Started sv2836
> >  ipmi-fencing-sv2837	(stonith:fence_ipmilan):	
> Started sv2836
> >  ipmi-fencing-sv2836	(stonith:fence_ipmilan):	
> Started sv2837
> This is not optimal. Nothing prevents the resource, that can 
> fence node sv2837 
> to run on host sv2837. You just say, that it should run on 
> node sv2836.
> Better would be something like
> crm configure location place-fencing-sv2837 -inf: sv2837
> or the equivalent in pcs.
> Greetings,

Hi Michael,

I thought that the lines above will do that:

> > pcs constraint location ipmi-fencing-sv2837 prefers sv2836=INFINITY
> > pcs constraint location ipmi-fencing-sv2836 prefers sv2837=INFINITY

Don't they?


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