[Pacemaker] error: qb_ipcs_us_connection_acceptor: Could not accept client connection: Too many open files (24)

Nikola Ciprich nikola.ciprich at linuxbox.cz
Tue Aug 6 10:13:02 UTC 2013


I'd like to ask whether somebody met similar bug:

On one of the test two node clusters, node suddenly hung, and cib started
spawning following messages:

error: qb_ipcs_us_connection_acceptor: Could not accept client connection: Too many open files (24)

in lsof, I see over thousand of opened /dev/shm files:

cib        5737 hacluster  DEL       REG               0,14             2615869 /dev/shm/qb-cib_rw-control-5737-25733-179
cib        5737 hacluster  DEL       REG               0,14             2545021 /dev/shm/qb-cib_rw-control-5737-4605-178
cib        5737 hacluster  DEL       REG               0,14             2410274 /dev/shm/qb-cib_rw-control-5737-1925-180
cib        5737 hacluster  DEL       REG               0,14             2545640 /dev/shm/qb-cib_rw-control-5737-8828-177
cib        5737 hacluster  DEL       REG               0,14             2495467 /dev/shm/qb-cib_rw-control-5737-2054-174
cib        5737 hacluster  DEL       REG               0,14             2434602 /dev/shm/qb-cib_rw-control-5737-8659-176

and also sockets:

cib        5737 hacluster 1003u     unix 0xffff880eaefee000      0t0   13885836 socket
cib        5737 hacluster 1004u     unix 0xffff880eada76000      0t0   13849634 socket
cib        5737 hacluster 1005u     unix 0xffff880eb37e7400      0t0   13847814 socket
cib        5737 hacluster 1006u     unix 0xffff88099c120400      0t0   13866356 socket
cib        5737 hacluster 1007u     unix 0xffff880eb7764000      0t0   13911546 socket
cib        5737 hacluster 1008u     unix 0xffff880a7f579400      0t0   13847938 socket
cib        5737 hacluster 1009u     unix 0xffff880a7f57e000      0t0   13883333 socket

OS is latest centos6 (RHEL6 clone), running x86_64 3.0.87 kernel

another important packages:


Any idea on what this could be? Is this some known bug?

with best regards


Ing. Nikola CIPRICH
LinuxBox.cz, s.r.o.
28.rijna 168, 709 00 Ostrava

tel.:   +420 591 166 214
fax:    +420 596 621 273
mobil:  +420 777 093 799

mobil servis: +420 737 238 656
email servis: servis at linuxbox.cz
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