[Pacemaker] Dose Pacemaker-1.1 support suicide STONITH plugin?

Takatoshi MATSUO matsuo.tak at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 07:16:09 UTC 2013


I am trying to use suicide STONITH plugin with Pacemaker-1.1.10-rc1(138556c),
but it doesn't work well.
Does Pacemaker-1.1 support suicide plugin ?
I use cluster-glue-1.0.11.

My configuration
property \
    no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
    stonith-enabled="true" \

rsc_defaults \
    resource-stickiness="INFINITY" \

primitive Stonith1 stonith:suicide
primitive Stonith2 stonith:suicide

fencing_topology \
    16-sl6: Stonith1 \
    17-sl6: Stonith2

primitive dummy ocf:heartbeat:Dummy \
    op start   timeout="10s" interval="0s"  on-fail="restart" \
    op monitor timeout="10s" interval="10s" on-fail="restart" \
    op stop    timeout="10s" interval="0s"  on-fail="fence"

location rsc_location-Stonith1 Stonith1 \
    rule -INFINITY: #uname eq 16-sl6
location rsc_location-Stonith2 Stonith2 \
    rule -INFINITY: #uname eq 17-sl6

Logs of DC
16-sl6 crmd[3143]:   notice: te_fence_node: Executing reboot fencing
operation (9) on 16-sl6 (timeout=60000)
16-sl6 stonith-ng[3139]:   notice: handle_request: Client
crmd.3143.0f97946a wants to fence (reboot) '16-sl6' with device
16-sl6 stonith-ng[3139]:   notice: handle_request: Forwarding complex
self fencing request to peer 17-sl6
16-sl6 stonith-ng[3139]:   notice: remote_op_done: Operation reboot of
16-sl6 by 17-sl6 for crmd.3143 at 17-sl6.ef50f979: No route to host

Takatoshi MATSUO

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