[Pacemaker] Resource agent IPaddr2 failed to start

Soni Maula Harriz soni.harriz at sangkuriang.co.id
Wed Oct 17 09:04:52 CEST 2012

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Florian Crouzat
<gentoo at floriancrouzat.net>wrote:

> Le 09/10/2012 10:39, Soni Maula Harriz a écrit :
>  Dear all,
>> I'm a newbie in clustering. I have been following the 'Cluster from
>> scratch' tutorial.
>> I use Centos 6.3 and install pacemaker and corosync from : yum install
>> pacemaker corosync
>> This is the version i got
>> Pacemaker 1.1.7-6.el6
>> Corosync Cluster Engine, version '1.4.1'
>> This time i have been this far : adding IPaddr2 resource
>> (http://www.clusterlabs.org/**doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1/html/**
>> Clusters_from_Scratch/_adding_**a_resource.html<http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1/html/Clusters_from_Scratch/_adding_a_resource.html>
>> )
>> everything goes well before adding IPaddr2 resource.
>> when i run 'crm status', it print out
>> ============
>> Last updated: Tue Oct  9 14:58:30 2012
>> Last change: Tue Oct  9 13:53:41 2012 via cibadmin on cluster1
>> Stack: openais
>> Current DC: cluster1 - partition with quorum
>> Version: 1.1.7-6.el6-**148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16**e966b85d14
>> 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
>> 1 Resources configured.
>> ============
>> Online: [ cluster1 cluster2 ]
>> Failed actions:
>>      ClusterIP_start_0 (node=cluster1, call=3, rc=6, status=complete):
>> not configured
>> This is the error i got from /var/log/message
>> Oct  8 17:07:16 cluster2 IPaddr2(ClusterIP)[15969]: ERROR:
>> [/usr/lib64/heartbeat/findif -C] failed
>> Oct  8 17:07:16 cluster2 crmd[15937]:  warning: status_from_rc: Action 4
>> (ClusterIP_start_0) on cluster2 failed (target: 0 vs. rc: 6): Error
>> Oct  8 17:07:16 cluster2 pengine[15936]:    error: unpack_rsc_op:
>> Preventing ClusterIP from re-starting anywhere in the cluster :
>> operation start failed 'not configured' (rc=6)
>> I have been searching through the google, but can't find the right
>> solution for my problem.
>> I have stopped the firewall and disabled the SElinux.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
> Just a wild guess, you haven't created the network interface associated.
that's it. i haven't created the network interface

> Eg: for this resource to work:
> primitive eth0.21HA ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>         params ip="" cidr_netmask="29" nic="eth0.21" \
>         op monitor on-fail="restart" interval="10s"
> You *must* have "ifup-ed" the eth0.21 iface before otherwise Pacemaker
> cannot apply the VIP because there is no iface. You can create eth0.21
> iface with fake IP such as ofc.
> Quote of "sudo crm ra meta IPaddr2":
> nic (string, [eth0]): Network interface
> The base network interface on which the IP address will be brought online.
> If left empty, the script will try and determine this from the routing
> table.
> Do NOT specify an alias interface in the form eth0:1 or anything here;
> rather, specify the base interface only.
> Prerequisite:
> *There must be at least one static IP address, which is not managed by the
> cluster, assigned to the network interface.*
> If you can not assign any static IP address on the interface, modify this
> kernel parameter: sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_**secondaries=1 (or
> per device)
> --
> Cheers,
> Florian Crouzat
> ______________________________**_________________
> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
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> Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/**doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf<http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf>
> Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org

Best Regards,

Soni Maula Harriz
Database Administrator
PT. Data Aksara Sangkuriang
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