[Pacemaker] RES: [Openais] Help on mysql-proxy resource

Carlos xavier cbastos at connection.com.br
Tue May 1 22:30:37 UTC 2012

Tanks for the answer.

I´m very sorry for the delay, I was on a trip.

>> On 03/30/2012 12:52 PM, Carlos xavier wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have mysql-proxy running on my system and I want to agregate it to 
>>> the cluster configuration.
>>> When it is started by the system I got this as result of ps auwwwx:
>>> root     29644  0.0  0.0  22844   844 ?        S    22:37   0:00
>>> /usr/sbin/mysql-proxy --pid-file /var/run/mysql-proxy.pid --daemon 
>>> --proxy-lua-script
>> Note this is --proxy-lua-script (singular)
>>> /usr/share/doc/packages/mysql-proxy/examples/tutorial-basic.lua
>>> --proxy-backend-addresses= 
>>> --proxy-address=
>>> So I created the following configuration at the CRM:
>>> primitive mysql-proxy ocf:heartbeat:mysql-proxy \
>>>          params binary="/usr/sbin/mysql-proxy"
>>> pidfile="/var/run/mysql-proxy.pid"
>>> proxy_address="" parameters="--proxy-lua-scripts 
>>> /usr/share/doc/packages/mysql-proxy/examples/tutorial-basic.lua" \
>> This is --proxy-lua-scripts (plural).  I'm guessing maybe that's the 
>> problem.
> most probably, this (the plural s) is the configuration error.
> if you're experiencing further issues, please give me a shout (off-list).

Unfortunately that wasn’t the solution. I fixed the typo and the trouble
remains, the parameter isn´t acceped by the proxy daemon.

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