[Pacemaker] [Help] Pacemaker + Oracle Listener

Florian Haas florian at hastexo.com
Wed Jun 6 15:09:51 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Paul Damken <zen.suite at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Florian and Emmanuel,
> Yes I have,
> "tnsnames.ora" file:
> --------------------->
>       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = aztecavip.domainame)(PORT = 1521))
>     )
>       (SID = xib11)
>     )
>   )
> <-------------------
> "listener.ora" file:
> -------------------->
> # listener.ora Network Configuration File:
> /oracle/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
> # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
>       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST =  aztecavip.domainame)(PORT =
> 1521)(IP=FIRST))
>     )
>   )
> <---------------------
> It still refuses to work, I guess that I'm missing something important, at
> Oracle level I mean.

More detailed logs would help, preferably from the tnslistener process. :)

Sure that (IP=FIRST) part is correct?


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