[Pacemaker] Problem setting-up DRBD v8,4 with Pacemaker v1.1.6

Irfan Ali iafun747 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 19:16:52 UTC 2012

Hi all,

We are trying to set-up an HA pair  on RHEL 6.2 using DRBD (v
8.4.1-2), Pacemaker (v 1.1.6-3) and Corosync (v 1.4.1-4). We could
make DRBD work independently syncing the two machines of the pair. But
our problem begins when we try to connect DRBD with Pacemaker. Even
though Pacemaker was able to detect the resources corresponding to
DRBD running on both the machines, it does not promoted any one of
them as master. I have pasted the output from 'crm status' below, it
shows that the resource 'ms-drbd' is running as slaves on both the
machines of our HA pair.

We fiddled a lot with the configuration for both Pacemaker and DRBD,
but couldn't find anything to fix this problem. Any help / suggestions
from you guys will be highly appreciated.


[root at c713 linbit]# crm status


Last updated: Wed Jul  4 08:42:37 2012

Last change: Wed Jul  4 07:34:53 2012 via crm_resource on c710.siemlab.com

Stack: openais

Current DC: c710.siemlab.com - partition with quorum

Version: 1.1.6-3.el6-a02c0f19a00c1eb2527ad38f146ebc0834814558

2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes

14 Resources configured.


Online: [ c713.siemlab.com c710.siemlab.com ]

Clone Set: connectivity [ping]

     Started: [ c710.siemlab.com c713.siemlab.com ]

Clone Set: powerstatus [cpps0]

     Started: [ c710.siemlab.com c713.siemlab.com ]

Master/Slave Set: ms-drbd [drbd0]

     Slaves: [ c710.siemlab.com c713.siemlab.com ]

c713.siemlab.com-stonith       (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Started

c710.siemlab.com-stonith       (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Started


We are using the following CIB configuration related to DRBD:

<master id="ms-drbd">

        <meta_attributes id="ma-ms-drbd">

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-1" name="clone-max" value="2"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-2" name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-3" name="notify" value="yes"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-4" name="globally-unique" value="false"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-5" name="master-max" value="1"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-6" name="master-node-max" value="1"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-7" name="target-role" value="Master"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-8" name="ordered" value="true"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-crm-feature-set"
name="crm-feature-set" value="3.0.5"/>

          <nvpair id="ma-ms-drbd-is-managed" name="is-managed" value="true"/>


        <primitive class="ocf" id="drbd0" provider="linbit" type="drbd">

          <instance_attributes id="ia-drbd">

            <nvpair id="ia-drbd-1" name="drbd_resource" value="var_nsm"/>



            <op id="op-drbd-1" interval="2min" name="monitor"
role="Master" timeout="5min"/>

            <op id="op-drbd-2" interval="0" name="start" role="Master"

            <op id="op-drbd-3" interval="0" name="stop" role="Master"

          <op id="op-drbd-4" interval="3min" name="monitor"
role="Slave" timeout="6min"/>

            <op id="op-drbd-5" interval="0" name="start" role="Slave"

            <op id="op-drbd-6" interval="0" name="stop" role="Slave"





The following is the content of drbd.conf:

global {

        usage-count no;


common {

                net {

                                protocol C;


      startup {

                wfc-timeout 120;

                degr-wfc-timeout 120;



resource var_nsm {

                                disk {

                                                on-io-error detach;



                                                fencing resource-only;


                                handlers {




                                net {

                                                #rate 333M;

                                                after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;

                                                max-buffers 8000;

                                                max-epoch-size 8000;

                                                sndbuf-size 0;


                                on c713.siemlab.com {

                device /dev/drbd1;

         disk /dev/sdb3;


         meta-disk internal;


      on c710.siemlab.com {

                device /dev/drbd1;

         disk /dev/sdb3;


         meta-disk internal;



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