[Pacemaker] mass deletion of resources

Anton Melser melser.anton at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 16:47:16 UTC 2012

>> This should help:
>> crm configure help erase
>> and (probably first)
>> crm configure property stop-all-resource=true
>> HTH
>> Jake
> Ok, that was bad... For some reason I had my mind set on "delete" and
> seeing erase made no connection... Sorry about the foolish question -
> I really did search though!
> Thanks heaps for the commands.
> Cheers
> Anton


[root at FW1 ~]# crm configure property stop-all-resource=true
ERROR: cib-bootstrap-options: attribute stop-all-resource does not exist
Do you still want to commit? y

(tried with s)

[root at FW1 ~]# crm configure property stop-all-resources=true
ERROR: cib-bootstrap-options: attribute stop-all-resource does not exist
Do you still want to commit? y

Replying yes doesn't seem to be doing anything (no error message on
command exit).

[root at FW1 ~]# crm --version
1.1.6-3.el6 (Build a02c0f19a00c1eb2527ad38f146ebc0834814558)
Written by Dejan Muhamedagic

I can't see how to list the options available - I'm obviously missing
that last bit that would enable me to get the answers for myself...
Any pointers?

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