[Pacemaker] syslog full of redundand link messages

Attila Megyeri amegyeri at minerva-soft.com
Mon Jan 9 15:15:17 CET 2012


I might be taking something wrong, but, 


does not mean it will listen on this address, but will listen on every interface where this mask matches.
This is just to make the config file simpler and common for all nodes in the same subnet.

Or am I taking something terribly wrong?



-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Frincu [mailto:df.cluster at gmail.com] 
Sent: 2012. január 9. 11:39
To: The Pacemaker cluster resource manager
Subject: Re: [Pacemaker] syslog full of redundand link messages


On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 1:59 AM, Attila Megyeri <amegyeri at minerva-soft.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> My syslogs are full of messages like this:
> Jan  7 23:55:47 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:48 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:48 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:48 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:49 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:49 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:49 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:50 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:50 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:50 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:51 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:51 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:51 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:52 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:52 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> Jan  7 23:55:52 oa2 corosync[362]:   [TOTEM ] received message 
> requesting test of ring now active
> What could be the reason for this?
> Pacemaker 1.1.6, Corosync 1.4.2
> The relevant part of the config:
> Eth0 is ont he 10.100.1.X subnet, eth1 is 192.168.100.X
> totem {
>         version: 2
>         secauth: off
>         threads: 0
>         rrp_mode: passive
>         interface {
>                 ringnumber: 0
>                 bindnetaddr:
>                 mcastaddr:
>                 mcastport: 4000
>         }
>         interface {
>                 ringnumber: 1
>         bindnetaddr:
>         mcastaddr:
>         mcastport: 4000
>         }

Are the subnets /24 or higher (/23, /22, etc.)? Because as I see you're using what would be the broadcast address on a /24 subnet and may cause issues.

> }
> Thanks,
> Attila
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Dan Frincu

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