[Pacemaker] pcmk 1.1.8, some issues

laurent+pacemaker at u-picardie.fr laurent+pacemaker at u-picardie.fr
Tue Dec 11 14:40:28 UTC 2012

Andrew Beekhof <andrew at beekhof.net> writes:

> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:26 AM,  <laurent+pacemaker at u-picardie.fr> wrote:
>> Andrew Beekhof <andrew at beekhof.net> writes:
>> Hi,
>>>> 2) crm_mon crashing with this message : "Your current configuration could only be
>>>> upgraded to <null>... the minimum requirement is
>>>> pacemaker-1.0. .....Connection to the CIB
>>>> terminated Reconnecting...Upgrade failed: Update does not conform to
>>>> the configured schema"
>>> Can you include your cib.xml please?
>>> We believe its not valid for some reason.
>> Ok, I can't reproduce it right now.
>> I was certainly using a bad cib as an old crm export from last week
>> shows a ocf:heartbeat:Dummy resource with a allow-migrate="true"
>> param. (it should be a meta)
> That wouldn't be enough for schema validation to fail though

ok, I'll try to send you the cib as soon as it happens again.

>>>> 3) a lot of "attrd[30769]:  warning: attrd_cib_callback: Update
>>>> shutdown=(null) failed: No such device or address" messages
>>>> or "warning: attrd_cib_callback: Update
>>>> last-failure-vm-elasticsearch-02=(null) failed: No such device or
>>>> address"
>>>> is that harmful ?
>>> No, but it probably doesn't need to printed so often either
>> ok.
> Fixed in:
>    https://github.com/beekhof/pacemaker/commit/db090c6

thanks a lot, I saw the github irc bot earlier, I kind of
understood you've just fixed it ! :)


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