[Pacemaker] ocf:heartbeat:apache fails to start

Paul Shannon - NOAA Federal paul.shannon at noaa.gov
Tue Dec 18 19:35:49 UTC 2012

I have what I thought was a pretty simple startup.  Just a 2-node cluster
with 3 drbd filesystems, a virtual-ip and apache.  However I cannot get my
apache resource to start. This is from corosync.log.

Dec 18 10:20:36 [1806] ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov       crmd:     info:
process_lrm_event:     LRM operation p_webserver_start_0 (call=62, rc=1,
cib-update=61, confirmed=true) unknown error
Dec 18 10:20:36 [1804] ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov      attrd:   notice:
attrd_ais_dispatch:    Update relayed from ajk-s-jnusrv2.jnu.nwsar.gov
Dec 18 10:20:36 [1804] ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov      attrd:   notice:
attrd_trigger_update:  Sending flush op to all hosts for:
fail-count-p_webserver (INFINITY)
Dec 18 10:20:37 [1804] ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov      attrd:   notice:
attrd_perform_update:  Sent update 99: fail-count-p_webserver=INFINITY
Dec 18 10:20:37 [1804] ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov      attrd:   notice:
attrd_ais_dispatch:    Update relayed from ajk-s-jnusrv2.jnu.nwsar.gov
Dec 18 10:20:37 [1804] ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov      attrd:   notice:
attrd_trigger_update:  Sending flush op to all hosts for:
last-failure-p_webserver (1355858436)
Dec 18 10:20:37 [1804] ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov      attrd:   notice:
attrd_perform_update:  Sent update 102: last-failure-p_webserver=1355858436
Dec 18 10:20:37 ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov lrmd: [1803]: info:
rsc:p_webserver:63: stop
Dec 18 10:20:37 [1806] ajk-s-jnusrv1.jnu.nwsar.gov       crmd:     info:
process_lrm_event:     LRM operation p_webserver_stop_0 (call=63, rc=0,
cib-update=65, confirmed=true) ok

My p_webserver resource has:

primitive p_webserver ocf:heartbeat:apache \

params configfile="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" \

op monitor interval="30s" timeout="30s" \

op start interval="0" timeout="40s" \

op stop interval="0" timeout="60s"

I also have an order and colocation restraint:

colocation p_webserver-on-ms-virtual-ip inf: p_webserver virtual-ip:Started

order virtual-ip-before-webserver inf: virtual-ip:start webserver:start

The virtual-ip comes up fine and *service httpd start *works fine from the
command line, so my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file appears to be fine.
Anyone have any ideas on what I need to change?

Paul Shannon
Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. - Slovenian proverb**
*Paul Shannon <paul.shannon at noaa.gov>
ITO, WFO Juneau
NOAA, National Weather Service
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