[Pacemaker] reloading crm changes

Paul Shannon - NOAA Federal paul.shannon at noaa.gov
Mon Dec 17 17:29:56 EST 2012

I'm just getting our cluster set up and seem to be missing something about
changes made using the crm program. I added some resources and groups using
crm => configure => edit.  After saving and committing my changes I can see
the new resources in resource => show but they are stopped.  After running
start <resource>  they are still stopped.  Also, exiting and running
crm_mon does *not* show the new resources.  I tried a  clean <resource>
just in case, but that did not change anything either.

I thought the whole idea of the live resources was they took effect
immediately. Am I missing a step?

Paul Shannon
Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. - Slovenian proverb**
*Paul Shannon <paul.shannon at noaa.gov>
ITO, WFO Juneau
NOAA, National Weather Service
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