[Pacemaker] resource moving unnecessarily due to ping race condition

Florian Haas f.g.haas at gmx.net
Thu Sep 8 19:07:22 UTC 2011

On 09/08/11 20:59, Brad Johnson wrote:
> We have a 2 node cluster with a single resource. The resource must run
> on only a single node at one time. Using the pacemaker:ocf:ping RA we
> are pinging a WAN gateway and a LAN host on each node so the resource
> runs on the node with the greatest connectivity. The problem is when a
> ping host goes down (so both nodes lose connectivity to it), the
> resource moves to the other node due to timing differences in how fast
> they update the score attribute. The dampening value has no effect,
> since it delays both nodes by the same amount. These unnecessary
> fail-overs aren't acceptable since they are disruptive to the network
> for no reason.
> Is there a way to dampen the ping update by different amounts on the
> active and passive nodes? Or some other way to configure the cluster to
> try to keep the resource where it is during these tie score scenarios?
> We are running Pacemaker 1.0.10 with Heartbeat 3.0.5. Here are our
> current resource and constraints sections:

Just those two aren't enormously helpful; as the current state of your
node attributes isn't evident from them.

If you could just dump your full CIB and upload them to
pastebin/pastie/fpaste etc., it would be easier to make recommendations.


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