[Pacemaker] Upgrading the MySQL RA

Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] r.bhatia at ipax.at
Sat Oct 22 10:41:19 UTC 2011

On 22.10.2011 12:35, Michael Marrotte wrote:
> What's the correct way to upgrade an RA script, in particular, the MySQL RA?
> I've tried replacing /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/mysql (and chmod
> +x) with the latest version found at github, but then get the following:
> lrmadmin[1470]: 2011/10/22_03:08:37 ERROR:
> lrm_get_rsc_type_metadata(578): got a return code HA_FAIL from a reply
> message of rmetadata with function get_ret_from_msg.
> ERROR: ocf:heartbeat:mysql: could not parse meta-data:
> ERROR: ocf:heartbeat:mysql: no such resource agent

maybe it is related to the first "includes" of ocf-shellfuncs and the
like. there has been a change in the filenames/include paths which
you might need to revert.


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