[Pacemaker] Problem with ocf.pacemaker.pingd and host unreachable. [ SOLVED ]

Pierre BLONDEAU pierre.blondeau at unicaen.fr
Tue May 17 08:09:21 UTC 2011


Le 12/05/2011 12:26, Viacheslav Biriukov a écrit :
> Use ocf:pacemaker:ping instead of pingd. Pingd is deprecated. And I have a
> lot of problems with it.

Only ocf:heartbeat;pings is decprecated not ocf:pacemaker:pingd.

If i use ocf:pacemaker:ping, i can specifi only one ip adress by primitive.

Le 13/05/2011 15:56, Thomas a écrit :
> I see you don't define your IPs in the cluster. Am I right you want to ensure
> that the active node is reaching most of your pingd IPs?
> I have a simple failover config that actually works as follows:
> - DRBD active/active
> - one node (default gateway) is pinged by 'pingd' from any cluster node
> - if the gateway is unreachable, the node with the greatest 'pingd' score gets
> the cluster IP assigned and all resources that depend on it. Filesystem always
> stays active/active.
> I have no LVM or SCSI active though, it's a GFS2 config for legacy cluster
> resources like apache, nagios3 and such kind, which cannot replicate themselves.
> Currently I cannot imagine a case in which a location restraint for a
> master/master resource would do any good.
> Besides that you should configure fencing in your drbd.d/global_common.conf (or
> use STONITH), as this is meant to ensure that one node stops writing to it's
> filesystem. The drbd fencing scripts only make sense in case you use two network
> connections, which you do. 
> Here's my example config. One network ( is for external
> communication, the other network ( is a simple crossover connection
> for drbd traffic. I removed irrelevant parts:
> ---
> node clusternode1
> node clusternode2
> primitive resDLM ocf:pacemaker:controld \
> 	op monitor interval="30s" timeout="20s" start-delay="0s" \
> 	op start timeout="90s" op stop timeout="100s"
> primitive resDRBD ocf:linbit:drbd \
> 	params drbd_resource="drbd0" \
> 	op start timeout="240" op promote timeout="90" \
> 	op demote timeout="90" op stop timeout="100" \
> 	op monitor interval="10" timeout="20" start-delay="1min" \
> 	op notify timeout="90"
> primitive resFS ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
> 	params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/srv" fstype="gfs2" \
> 	op start  timeout="60" op stop  timeout="60" \
> 	op monitor interval="20" timeout="40" start-delay="0" \
> 	op notify timeout="60"
> primitive resGFS2CTL ocf:pacemaker:controld \
> 	op monitor interval="30s" timeout="20s" \
> 	op start timeout="90s" op stop timeout="100s"
> primitive resIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
> 	params ip="" nic="eth1" cidr_netmask="24" iflabel="eth1" \
> 	op start timeout="20" op stop timeout="20" \
> 	op monitor interval="10" timeout="20" start-delay="0" \
> 	meta resource-stickiness="50"
> primitive resPINGD ocf:pacemaker:pingd \
> 	params host_list="" dampen="5s" multiplier="100" interval="2s" \
> 	op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s" start-delay="30s" \
> 	op start timeout="90s" op stop timeout="100s"
> group grpGFSMGMT resDLM resGFS2CTL
> ms msDRBD resDRBD meta master-max="2" clone-max="2" notify="true"
> clone cloneFS resFS 
> clone cloneGFSMGMT grpGFSMGMT 
> clone clonePINGD resPINGD
> location locIP resIP rule $id="locIP-rule" pingd: defined pingd
> colocation colDRBD inf: cloneGFSMGMT msDRBD:Master
> colocation colFS inf: cloneFS cloneGFSMGMT
> order ordFS inf: msDRBD:promote cloneGFSMGMT:start cloneFS:start
> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
> 	expected-quorum-votes="2" \
> 	dc-version="1.0.9-74392a28b7f31d7ddc86689598bd23114f58978b" \
> 	no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
> 	cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
> 	stonith-enabled="false"
> ---
> hope it's of value for you. The config mainly is taken out of Michael
> Schwartzkopff's (german) book which I use to learn clustering. It only fails in
> case I unplug the crossover cable, because of an error in drbd I think
> (sometimes gives a kernel OOPS when invoking 'drbdadm fence-peer minor-0' - but
> that's another story, completely related to drbd)

Thank you very much for your configuration

My problem was that the ping was through the other network interface to
the default gateway.

As I set up multiple address in the pingd the host unrechable I saw
involved other address.

So I had to activate the arp_ignore on the destination server:

net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_ignore = 1

[ I ask another question in another thread, I put my new configuration
in : Dont start LVM or FS on DRBD Standalone ]


Administrateur Systèmes & réseaux
Université de Caen
Laboratoire GREYC, Département d'informatique

tel	: 02 31 56 73 38
bureau	: Campus 2, Science 3, 406

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