[Pacemaker] [PATCH] crm shell (configure node) for Heartbeat stack

Kazunori INOUE inouekazu at intellilink.co.jp
Thu May 12 06:22:31 UTC 2011

Hi all,

We found that crm shell (configure node) failed on Heartbeat-3.0.4 stack.
I attached a patch for crm shell in Pacemaker-1.1 (e872eeb39a5f).

[failed case]
(1) Set node's attributes/utilization with crm shell
    ('crm configure load update cli-file').

    # service heartbeat start
    # cat test1.cli
    node srv-a1 utilization capacity="1"
    # crm configure load update test1.cli
    # crm_mon -1
    Last updated: Thu May 12 13:16:49 2011
    Stack: Heartbeat
    Current DC: srv-a2 (68057c1e-6a5e-402b-be84-c56b98d5c985) - partition with quorum
    Version: 1.1.5-1.25.el6-5bdfc629f35af0305bb87676297d81251f0511ea
    3 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
    0 Resources configured.

 -> Node srv-a1: UNCLEAN (offline)
    Online: [ srv-a2 srv-a1 ]

    # crm configure show
    node $id="68057c1e-6a5e-402b-be84-c56b98d5c985" srv-a2
    node $id="0cd9d2df-13fa-4b11-93d3-27a57192caeb" srv-a1
    node srv-a1 \
            utilization capacity="1"
    property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
            dc-version="1.1.5-1.25.el6-5bdfc629f35af0305bb87676297d81251f0511ea" \

    In following CLI, node's attribute was set correctly.
    However, it is inconvenient to specify ID of the cluster node.
    # cat test2.cli
    node $id="0cd9d2df-13fa-4b11-93d3-27a57192caeb" \
    srv-a1 utilization capacity="1"

(2) Set node's attributes/utilization with crm shell
    ('crm configure node xxx').

    # service heartbeat start
    # crm configure node srv-a1 attributes attr1=val1
    # crm_mon -A1
    Last updated: Thu May 12 11:56:17 2011
    Stack: Heartbeat
    Current DC: srv-a2 (68057c1e-6a5e-402b-be84-c56b98d5c985) - partition with quorum
    Version: 1.1.5-1.25.el6-5bdfc629f35af0305bb87676297d81251f0511ea
    3 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
    0 Resources configured.

 -> Node srv-a1: UNCLEAN (offline)
    Online: [ srv-a2 srv-a1 ]

    Node Attributes:
    * Node srv-a2:
 -> * Node srv-a1:

Kazunori INOUE
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